
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site



Today is March 29 and our Tono turns 30 years old!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONO~!!! ♥ Uwah~ that was fast ne! When we first became fans, he was only in his early 20’s. When we celebrated his 25th birthday, we joked that he was a quarter-of-a-century old. Then when he turned 28, we were making fun […]

Takki Tidbits

Newspaper reports today confirmed that Takki was indeed in Iwate on March 24. He went to the Iwate prefectural government office at Morioka city to meet with Tasso Takuya-san, the governor of Iwate. Takki was there as one of the Marching J representatives to deliver a “mokuroku” (certificate indicating an impending gift) for 720,000,000 yen. […]

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