
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


鎌倉と腰越 4/26

I-san and I did a bit of Yoshitsune tour, erm, 6 months ago *lol* I figured, being the huge procrastinator that I am, I’d better write about this before I start on another trip. Date: April 26, 2008 Venue: Kamakura and Koshigoe, Japan We bought the Kamakura-Enoshima Free Pass, that would take us from Tokyo […]

[Report] Takizawa Enbujo’08 – Act 2

…Continued from Act 1 Act 2 – Yoshitsune Tales Duration: 1hr 15mins. Gojo Bridge Benkei (Fujigaya) & Ushiwaka (Takki) were where we left them during the first act. Benkei asked what Ushiwaka was doing in the capital etc, and they started fighting after Benkei found out Ushiwaka wasn’t a girl. Ushiwaka ran to the back […]

[Report] Takizawa Enbujo ’08 – Intro, Food & Goods

Warning: My reports tend to be rather detailed and really long-winded as I’d like to read back myself again ~~ years later and still remember everything that had happened. Similar to last yr’s, I’ll split the Enbujo report into 3 sections. Our seats this year: 24th April, 13:00 – 1st Flr, Row 13 (middle block, […]

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