
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


[Translation] Takizawa Enbujo ’08 Pamphlet (Part 3)

This is a continuation from Part 2. Noren At the entrance of my dressing room, I’ve always been hanging this noren* which was given to me by Mori Mitsuko-san back when I did the stage play “Mask”. This noren has a pink base, and white wordings “Takizawa Hideaki-sama from Mori-Mitsuko” and I’ve already been using […]

[Translation] Takizawa Enbujo ’08 Pamphlet (Part 2)

This is a continuation from Part 1, which was posted more than a year ago lol~ Minamoto Yoshitsune Because not only Takizawa fans, but Yoshitsune fans will also be here, if this item can bring out feelings like “I’ve waited long for this!”, I’ll be happy ne. Indeed, after I acted in Taiga drama Yoshitsune, […]

滝様コンサート’09 パンフ Part 4

Here’s the final part of the translations for Takisama Concert’09 pamphlet! Enjoy~ INTERVIEW 04 Message to FAN I think from now on, I want to take the time to continue fulfilling the requests of many people. I have a lot of gratitude towards the fans who have always supported me. Especially after I did the […]

滝様コンサート’09 パンフ 言葉

In the Takisama Concert’09 pamphlet, there are a few pages where keywords are splashed across the page in different font sizes. Beside each keyword is Takki’s impression of the word, and underneath it is Takki’s comment. Here is a translation of this entire section. Enjoy~ KEYWORDS & IMPRESSIONS Comments from HIDEAKI TAKIZAWA Sea: Wide! After […]

滝様コンサート’09 パンフ Part 3

Here’s a translation of Part 3 of the Takisama Concert’09 Pamphlet. INTERVIEW 03 From the debut through now We had turned 20 when we debuted as Takki & Tsubasa and since that time, we’ve had our own TV shows and we’ve done concerts. I was allowed to do those jobs under very blessed circumstances, so I […]

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