
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

滝沢演舞城’09 ネタバレ

March 30th

  • On the opening day, ShaLaLa preordering counters were set up on the first floor and in the basement. But today, there was only one counter (on the first floor)
  • During the “Jr’s play” corner, the Jrs were playing with nunchucks and Tono teasingly said, “Try and recite a poem while you’re using the nunchucks” and after the Jr did just as he was told, Tono said “You’re kawaii no matter what you do!”
  • Before the short video clip started, Tono went over to the hanamichi and sat in director’s chair. The spotlight and live camera suddenly moved to where the special guests (Kobayashi-san, Tokushige Satoshi-san, Watanabe-san) were sitting. Tono turned to them and said “Kokuchisezu no toki ni osewani narimashita~” (Thank you for your kindness during Kokuchisezu)

March 31th

  • Apparently, a bar and a sofa were brought out to stage during ShaLaLa?? isnt that a little too modern for Enbujou? lol mou wakannai~
  • Adlib + “Shadow corner”
    弁慶 : You look like a crab.
    三郎 : You look like a frog. ← LOLL

    殿 : *after pouring tea for Benkei* I think i’ll have a cup of tea too~
    弁慶 : ….
    (doesnt know how to do the shadow puppet that looks like a kettle)
    殿 : how many years have you done Enbujou?!


  • Butoukan (the group that Takki produced) is appearing in their own CM!
  • There will be WS cameras at today’s afternoon show!! WS clips should be uploaded by tomorrow~

ahhh mukatsuku… there are barely any fan reports. many of them focus more on ebikisu *sigh* maybe theres not much to talk about since its practically the same as last year’s?? anyways, i hope the WS clips will show a little bit of the scary video clip!!! sugoi ki ni naru wa~~~

滝沢演舞城’09 ネタバレ

One thought on “滝沢演舞城’09 ネタバレ

  1. Thanks for taking the time to search for the tidbits and sharing it with us.

    My daughter loves the shadow puppet portion of Enbujou08. She was hoping that they would show how they made some of the shadows in the BTS clip…but sadly, it was not there.

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