
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Takki Tidbits

As we wait for Mich’s report, here are some tidbits about the opening show~

Btw, before that, I just want to say that I’m very glad they decided to continue with the production. Although the concert was helpful, I think Takki fans really needed “that feeling” that only a Takki butai can provide. The feeling of reassurance — that even after such a horrible disaster, things are still under control. Things are still running like they used to be. And most importantly, Takki is alive and well~ :)


  • The opening was quite different from last year’s. The music was different and they didn’t start the show with the two black male performers.
  • The first outfit zachou appeared in was black!
  • “The applause and kyaaa’s were louder than usual. Although it was a serious scene, Tono smiled a lot and seemed really happy by the loud applause.”
  • There was a new song in the intro and it was mainly in English.
  • The rhythm in the Taiko performance was a little off… (but excusable, cause it’s the first show… and it’s also the first hadaka Takki we’ve seen in a while fufufu~)
  • REVENGER is back!!!
  • There was tape/bandaid around his thumb.
  • There was no “water” scene…
  • Act 2 ended with “With Love” at around 21:00.
  • For the curtain call, Takki came out by himself. He said that because of the disaster, rehearsals were stopped for two weeks and they really didn’t know if they would continue or not. But they decided to “believe in the power of the performing arts.”
  • Takki Tidbits

3 thoughts on “Takki Tidbits

  1. Thanks so much for this brief report.

    I am so glad they decided to continue. But missing 2 weeks of rehearsals must have made it even tougher than usual.

  2. thank you so much for reporting. Totally agree that the going on the show will help my feeling back to normal life quicker. They would have work so hard to continuing on the old schedule.

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