The “Takki no Takizawa Denpajou in Hachioji” live recording event has just ended (at around 3 pm Japan time)! Here are some tidbits about the event :
- Fans said Takki was wearing a black jacket with a white inner shirt and gray pants. No glasses or hat this time ^_^;
- Fans said Tono had on his serious work face, but there were times when he was smiling a lot too~ Fans also said he looked shy and kinda embarrassed when he blew a kiss to the audience!!! KYAAA!!!!
- The fans who attended the event got to celebrate his birthday with him! The staff brought out a surprise birthday cake, and everyone got to sing happy birthday to him~ After that, they also got to take a group shot with Tono and his cake!!
- After the live recording, there was some kind of other recording for a Denpajou commercial! After that, Takki also introduced and did a promo recording for the new upcoming single (the 24h Cosme commercial song “Koakuma Juliet”). Fans also got to hear the full or long version of the song for the first time.
- The had a raffle/lottery and they gave away “24h Cosme Denpajou sets” and 24h Cosme posters as presents to those who got picked!!
- The whole event lasted about two hours. Everything will be aired this week and next week. Tanoshimi ni!!!
- There were many cameras there. So hopefully, we’ll be able to see reports of this event on TV or in magazines soon!
[updated @ 3:00 am on March 20]
They just showed footage of the event on Fuji TV (on Super News)!! In the footage, they showed a little bit of Takki as TakiRanger and the birthday celebration. Let’s hope for more WS tomorrow!! Meanwhile, check out these screenshots of of the news footage!
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
screenshot 3
screenshot 4
screenshot 5
screenshot 6
screenshot 7 (blowing out his bday candles!)
screenshot 8 (blowing a kiss to the audience ^^)
Here are a few other photos that were posted by fans!
- The sign inside the recording studio
- The audience’s view of the stage!
- The birthday cake! And yes, Takki did get to take a bite out of his cake!
photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3
Takki Tidbits
Thanks for this nice update, Mich!
iya~ it was bon-chan who wrote this entire post yo.
all credit to her! ^^
Thanks so much for the report and photos!