Yesterday (July 25th), Takki made a special appearance during PLAYZONE’s curtain call. He didn’t watch the show and was only there to promote his solocon and etc. He was wearing a black checkered shirt, gray pants with black lines on the side (the same pants he wore in the latest episode of TakiChannel) and black boots. But the biggest surprise is…. his hair was blonde!!
As you guys might remember, Takki dyed his hair blonde soon after Kabuki had ended (*). But when he went to Tahiti, the intense sunlight and saltwater from the ocean washed out the color (which is why his hair has been black this past month). But apparently, he dyed it again!! So it’ll be blonde for Hanabi Taikai and solocon ne! Otanoshimi ni~~~
(*) Speaking of hair, Takki talked about his post-Kabuki “salon experience” in the June 2, 2012 episode of Takizawa Denpajou. Apparently, his usual hair colorist was on break the day Takki went to the salon, so he got his hair done by another colorist. The guy had never worked with Takki’s hair before, but claimed that he had always paid attention to it, so he knew his style. Hearing that, Takki felt somewhat relieved about leaving his hair to a complete stranger…
However, when Takki saw the finished product, he was quite shocked and horrified? lol
Despite disliking the color, he didn’t want to bluntly say “No, this isn’t right. Fix it.” Luckily, Takki’s usual hairstylist was there and she could tell that Takki wasn’t satisfied with the look. She told the guy to fix it, so he dyed it again, but it STILL didn’t look right… They knew that if they dyed it a third time, it would really hurt his hair, so Takki had to go back to the salon a second time to get his hair fixed by his usual colorist XD
I love him blonde! :)))
I love him blonde! :)))
Thanks, bon-chan!
I sympathize with Takki about his misadventure at the salon. I hate dealing with some one else than my usual stylist, and would rather wait than have an unknown person color my hair.
But I really prefer him dark.
I find odd that the “sun washed out the dye”. In fact, I don’t believe it. He has a dye, not a rinse, because his hair is bleached to become blonde. The sun’s effect is to lighten it even further, and then the sea might give a greenish tone. More likely it was simpler to use a dark tone [a good rinse would do the job] when he got back to avoid damage, and wait to re-color. [bon, I am sure you read it right, I just think the journalist was incorrect]
Simone~ Oh yes, I forgot to add in the part about the seawater. Thanks for reminding me!
I’ve never dyed my hair blonde, so I dunno how or if it’s even possible for blonde color to fade, but Takki said it himself during the intro of Denpajou. I wonder what it looked like by the end of the Tahiti trip? lol
poor takki with his hair dye…
tackey always like that..hes really kind and modest, thats one of the reaason i love him^_~
thanks bon n mich for sharing this news=)