
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

滝沢革命 2012 初日

Sorry for the late report~ As many of you might already know, the opening show ended without any major problems! However, there was an earthquake before the show began. Kineya Katsushiro-san (one of the Kakumei staff?) blogged about the incident. He said the rehearsals were stopped and someone spoke into the mic, warning the performers […]

Takki Tidbits

Today at 1 pm, Takki, Nishikiori-san, and Tottsu (ABC-Z) attended a press con for Shinshun Takizawa Kakumei 2012. Tidbits about the press con (credits to the fans on Twitter) : The cast includes our beloved Tono, Nishikiori-san, Yuma, Tottsu, Mis Snowman and TheyBudou. Takki is currently writing a song that’s exclusively for next year’s Kakumei. […]

[HQ] 世界のコワ~イ女たち 2011.09.13

I’m really curious as to what was going through Takki’s mind as he was watching those VTRs… because when I watched them, they reminded me of the “Ringo-onna” incident. I’m really glad Takki didn’t get hurt last time, but thinking back, it just makes me wonder why that crazy woman targeted Takki in the first […]

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