
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

滝沢演舞城’09 ネタバレ

April 11 Afternoon show: There was no footage coming from the live camera as Tono began introducing the scary movie clip. Tono stayed calm and as instructed by the staff, stalled by (jokingly) repeating his speech. During the Saburo-pretends-to-be-dead scene… 弁慶 : Its a kiseki (miracle)… for you to have a vassal like him 三郎 […]

滝沢演舞城’09 ネタバレ

April 1st Night show : The scary movie clip was not working… The lights were off so when staff-san walked down the aisle to inform Tono about the video glitch, people sitting by the aisle screamed thinking it was the ghost *LOL* Tono then reassured the audience that it was only staff-san XDD Photo album […]

シャ・ラ・ラ CD Jacket

Zoomin Saturday, Mezamashi, and the major newspapers showed pictures of the CD jackets this morning!! Avex and J-Net have updated with the jackets too~! (picture credit : Y!A Japan) Oh… my… KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~ this is probably my favorite CD Jacket ever!! He looks absolutely… i cant even think of the right word to describe how (*__*) […]

滝沢演舞城’09 WS reports

[Sponichi] Re: the scary movie clip, Takki said “You can hear ‘Kyaaa~’ from the audience. I’m 80~90% satisfied.” Matchy-san told Takki to make an even scarier movie *lol* and in response to that, Takki said “Matchy-san was even scarier than the ghost…” [Sanspo] “I would like to try and be a movie director. I want […]

滝沢演舞城’09 ネタバレ

March 30th On the opening day, ShaLaLa preordering counters were set up on the first floor and in the basement. But today, there was only one counter (on the first floor) During the “Jr’s play” corner, the Jrs were playing with nunchucks and Tono teasingly said, “Try and recite a poem while you’re using the […]

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