
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan


2009/04/18 â—†Kawai Fumitoâ—† summary Kawai said that he is kawaii… but it just so happens that he has the face of an old man lol. After talking about his role as Togashi, a lot of his fans sent him letters with detailed information about the character. He thanks them for their support and promises to […]


2009/04/11 â—†Kitayama Hiromitsuâ—† summary Kitayama said he really likes spring and the cherry blossoms that bloom outside Shinbashi Enbujou during this season. As for his “lucky something,” Kitayama talks about his Johnny’s Jr audition. He’s apparently been playing soccer since elementary school. One day, his friend’s sister sent in an application for him (without telling […]


2009/04/04 â—†Kawai Fumitoâ—† summary Kawai wanted to gain further understanding about the character(s) he plays in Enbujou. He also promises to work harder in portraying his role as the villain. In response to Tono’s question, he said that he considers his current job to be that “lucky something” because he has always wanted to be […]

[NikkanSports] 4.18.2009

This is a rough translation of the “Saturday Johnny’s” article. (Original scan: courtesy of Nyanco). Baka me, mistook the cursive う as a ろ… so i spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out what “Soro denai to…” meant XD Anyways, enjoy~! Intro This week is about the manly Johnny’s Jr. leader, Takizawa Hideaki (27). […]

[PV] シャ・ラ・ラ – notice

Yatta!! the full version of the Shalala PV will finally be aired tonight~ If we’re lucky, it should be recorded and uploaded by tomorrow! for those who have Japanese TV… zehi chekku shite kudasai! MUSIC ON! [サキドリ] 4/20 @ 24:00 4/21 @ 06:30 4/21 @ 17:00 SPACE SHOWER [NEW CUTS] 4/20 @ 24:00

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