Ahhhhhhh~~~1 more hour to 24hr TV!!!!! I’m so excited!!!!
Still trying to figure out a way to watch it! Why is the internet soooo slow today?
Download MEGA (244.31MB) *updated 28 Feb, 2015
Btw, new layout for the event ^_^
24時間テレビ Zoomin 2007.08.17
new layout already?? hehe i miss SAMURAI Takki and muscles-chan XD
*diesss* internets been terrible here too. i trusted my instincts and restarted my comp, but that just made things worse! (god knows y) mouuu~ my instincts obviously dont like me either *lol*
Bonnie~~~ *HUGS* hang in there! There’s no sound on my comp now! It’s so frustrating, and i CAN’T restart coz I’m now uploading 3 clips (which take 4 hrs to complete? coz the internet is freaking slow today)!! v_v
Mich, your new layout kakkoii ne!!!!
thanks, juliet! ^_^