
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

OMG, this is so hilarious!! The best one so far for Ho!Summer~~ Takki appeared first (he came in by the side door) and gave Kazuchan a stalk of rose. Later on when they introduced Tsubasa, Takki thought Tsubasa will also appear from the same side door. Instead he made a grand entrance from the centre, and had a huge bunch of roses for Kazuchan! Kazuchan gave Tsubasa a hug! lolz… And Takki looked really jealous LOL

Zubari 2006.08.07 Part 1

Then they performed Ho! Summer. And had a talk segment. I’m not really sure what they talked about (coz my Jap is limited) but it seems like they exposed some private stuff of Takki. I only know Takki laughed a lot during this segment and he looks rather embarassed^^ He even mispronounced his own name at one point (that boy!!).

Zubari 2006.08.08 Part 2

Then came the hilarious part – the Balloon Game! haha.. Round 1: Takki and Tsubasa had to say what they like about each other (I think), once they finish their answer, they can pass the balloon (which is being blown bigger and bigger) to the other. Takki said something about Tsubasa’s dancing, and that he was ‘Kakkoii’! Tsubasa said something about Enbujou too~~ Takki is known to be afraid of loud sounds, and he looked so freaked out about the balloooooon~~ wahahaha he kept shoving it towards Tsubasa!! xD When the balloon finally burst, Takki fell to the floor… and the balloon wasn’t even in his hands! It was in Tsubasa’s!! LOLx

Zubari 2006.08.08 Part 3

Round 2: Takki and Tsubasa had to say what they liked about Kazu-chan! After a few passing around of the balloon between Takki & Tsubasa, Takki suddenly panicked and passed the balloon to the other host! LOL! Both Takki & Tsubasa then ran to the other side of the stage and disappeared from the camera~~ The host with the balloon also panicked and said something about Kazu-chan’s cooking, then he ran over to Takki and shoved the balloon to him… And while Takki was holding the balloon, it burst!! Haha! Takki fell to the floor again!! LOLZ…

Zubari 2006.08.08 Part 4

After that, I don’t understand what they were talking about again but they seemed to have made fun of Takki yet again, maybe they were asking him to leave the show or something (coz they, including Tsubasa, waved bye bye to him lolz).

All I know was Takki’s ^^ eyes were seen a lot during this show.
He seemed really at ease and happy. He smiled a lot :)

EDIT: Added on 5th Sept, 2007:
Download .001 | .002 | .003 (212.53MB)
[English subbed version by NEWShFAN]

Zubari 2006.08.08

8 thoughts on “Zubari 2006.08.08

  1. That was a cute special. Not as good as the first one, but pretty good. Tsubasa gave up too quickly in this one! He should’ve teased Takki more xD

    If you still don’t know what was said, here’s a brief summary:
    Tsubasa said Takki’s civilian clothes have been very Gal-ish. Gal’s are those girls who go around in flashy outfits and whatnot. But then Sensei’s all “if Takki has it, it looks good” and Tsubasa just goes along with it ^^;
    Then Tsubasa says Takki lost his wallet in Saipan. So everyone (including Tsubasa) was going around looking for it, but when they went into Takki’s room, Takki’s just there SLEEPING xD Takki says he knew it was somewhere in his room though, and that the rumor that he had lost it had just gotten out of hand. Tsubasa and the others had just misunderstood. When Tsubasa’s asked what he thinks about that, he just goes, “I see.”
    Teppei asks if it’s that they have bad communication, but Hosoki-sensei says that’s not the case.

    Balloon game:
    What they like about each other
    Takki about Tsubasa: Good at dancing, Cool, Looks good with short hair (noooo)
    Tsubasa about Takki: Kind, He worked hard at his enbujou, Looks good with short hair, his amazing mess ups (err, “kamu” referring to the way Takki messed up on his own name I think)
    Tsubasa has a no-go for that last one since it’s suppose to be things you LIKE about each other

    Kazuko-sensei’s charm points
    Tsu: Very elegant.
    Ta: Looks good in pink
    Tsu: Wonderful!
    Ta: Says harsh things but really has love (behind what she says, I believe)
    Tsu: Has a really cute side to her
    Ta: (can’t think of anything) “Swept back hair!”
    Tsu: Surprisingly, I heard she likes “shitaneta” (jokes that have to do with err.. anything “down there,” including excretion or sex, according to Wikipedia). Tsubasa gets a slap for that one.
    Ta: Mesh Mesh Mesh!
    Shinya: Delicious cooking

    Takki gets dismissed because after 2 years with Hosoki-sensei, all he could come up with were “pink” and “swept back hair” xD

  2. No problem :) Thanks for all the updates, icons, wallpapers & whatnot.
    Oops, didn’t proofread that summary too well though. “shitaneta” should be “shimoneta” (dirty jokes) and I messed up on the cut & paste, so only Takki says that Tsubasa looks good with short hair, not the other way around. But hopefully you figured that out ^^;

  3. haha.. yea, i came across the word “shimoneta” over at jenn’s blog~ and learnt about “zenra” too?? hahaha… if only there are eng subs for this, it’ll be so much fun! haha.. oh, and yea, i think i saw something about ‘short hair’ from takki~ i might be weird but i do prefer tsuba with short hair too (like in the ho! summer pv… or slightly longer in serenade pv) rather than long hair like in kamen~~ :)

    lol about takki messing things up~~ i think he has a history of saying wrong lines!! but i can’t find that clip now :(

  4. HoHoooo…hehe!! Sounds pretty funny and hilarious. As I always say…”There goes Takki…yet again!!” lolz

    Even though I hadn’t seen this yet, I will download it, ne? Right now, my comp has been on lockdown WAY too long (about almost a week!) so I’m at the library. That’s why, I hadn’t been able to email u or go online to the Net lately. *cries*

    Email me ASAP, ne! I’ve got A LOT to talk to u about. (it ain’t good either)

  5. I’m actually at my friend’s house again…hehe. (right now it’s about 7:03pm Cali time) I’m dling it now while I’m writing this. She has broadband cable so, I can dl stuff in half the time than from my place! lolz

    I’ve saved the pics too…thanks so much for all this! =)

  6. kyaa.. I want to watch it >.< but the download link's already dead T.T
    did you still have the file? if yes, re-upload please..

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