
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

[Subs] Nezumi, Edo wo Hashiru – Ep 9 (Final)

And here’s the release for 329! Thank you so much to Marie for the translations! It was fun subbing this series, and we hope you’ve enjoyed it as well. Once again, happy birthday to Takki!!!

Nezumi, Edo wo Hashiru Episode 9/9 (Complete)
English Subtitles
Translation by Marie
Timing, Edit, Typeset, QC, Encode by Mich
O/A: 20 March 2014
Rating: 7.6%


848×480 @ MF (379.20mb, mp4, 42m 31s) *updated 22 June, 2017

@ DA timed to these raws

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[Subs] Nezumi, Edo wo Hashiru – Ep 9 (Final)

13 thoughts on “[Subs] Nezumi, Edo wo Hashiru – Ep 9 (Final)

  1. Thank you very much for your hard work! Love this series. So sad it’s ended. I hope they’ll make a second season because things just got interesting.

  2. I’m in complete agreement with Hailey, this was a great series and hopefully in the near future there will be a second season somewhere down the line.

    Is there a any hint on when Hamu-A Man of the Security Police Force will be subbed

  3. Without the hard works of you and your friends Tackey’s hard work will be lost to the world outside Japan. Thank you, you are all amazing!

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  4. thank you,please sub Hamu too! i didn’t download sub from torachan,too complicated ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ

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