
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Takki @ Waratte Iitomo 2007.10.17

His hair looks different, more rebonded hehe… really like Dreamboy era… Maybe he had to do this for Yuki-chan’s filming, or probably for Tsu’s birthday~ Or maybe it’s just the way it’s styled that day. He looks really happy though, keep smiling thruout the show :D The previous time Takki went on this show, he was also smiling non-stop remember?!


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Takki @ Waratte Iitomo 2007.10.17

6 thoughts on “Takki @ Waratte Iitomo 2007.10.17

  1. ohhhhhhhh so cute takkiiiiiii(@__@)…& funy ?!
    thanx mich for [ss]links i don’t have to wait 8 hour to d/l them ..hehhe:DD thanks xxxx
    rasha xox

  2. Thank you Michelle! I meant to tell you something but forgot…I think it’s cool how you now have the MU links with your blog stamped on them. ^_^

  3. rasha~ miya~ i can’t always use SS coz for some weird reason, uploading there only works in my office lol =P

    glenda~ hai, i saw some ppl doing that too, and thot why not :)

    jules~ that fist-to-fist pic really is cute rite! i hope more promo is done for this album.

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