
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Orthros no Inu

[Subs] Osama no Brunch 2009.08.29

This is a quick project I decided to do. I know it’s been a while since I did subbing on my own. I guess I need to do this once in a while. So after finishing the typeset for Wan Wan last night, I started working on this. Sorry it’s kinda a rushed job… Osama […]

オルトロスの犬 Eyewitness Reports

August 27 Yesterday at school, there was a Orthros no Inu shoot. Seems like it happened from 6 pm to 2 am. I went to check it out after 11 pm and I couldn’t find Mizukawa Asami but I secretly took a peek at Takki and Nishikido-kun, who were inside 10b on the second floor. […]

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