
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Takizawa Enbujo ’09

滝沢演舞城’09 ネタバレ

April 1st Night show : The scary movie clip was not working… The lights were off so when staff-san walked down the aisle to inform Tono about the video glitch, people sitting by the aisle screamed thinking it was the ghost *LOL* Tono then reassured the audience that it was only staff-san XDD Photo album […]

Takki Tidbits~

1) Takarashuzo has added the Takara Can Chu-hi CM to their CM gallery. 2) シャ・ラ・ラ/無限の羽 Jackets were shown on today’s WS! Newspapers Tokyo Chunichi and Houchi also covered it in their entertainment sections, and both Avex & J-net have updated with the images. Here are the jackets in order – A, B, C & D. […]

[Report] Takizawa Enbujo’09 – Intro, Food, Goods, etc.

This is the first time I bought goods at every show I attended. This trip was really really memorable, and it’s one where we travelled ONLY for Tono. We watched one show a day, which means, we saw Tono every day (apart from the days we flew into Japan and back to Singapore). We gave […]

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