
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

滝沢連合 第238章

First day of work is over~ I have loads to absorb but I think it’ll be fine after I get used to the system and everything. I kinda like using the Mac now heh….

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 238

07 Feb

Today I went for massage It definitely feels good! Yosh, I’m feeling genki, so I’ll drink da drink

Now, i really feel like drinking Sapporo beer ^_^

滝沢連合 第238章

7 thoughts on “滝沢連合 第238ç« 

  1. So he likes massages, ne? If I meet him, maybe I should give him one of my famous back scratches ^_^ I should seriously start charging people that want me to scratch their backs LOL

    about the beer…..I hate beer/alcohol all together LOL The ONLY way I’d EVER drink an alcoholic drink is if Takki bought/gave it to me =P I’d suffer from that awful taste but I’d drink it cuz it came from Takki ;)

    mata ne

  2. Actually, I went to a massage school in Hawaii way back in the late 90s. I actually went thru the entire bookwork for 3 mos., then 6 mos. for apprenticeship. Too bad I chickened out on taking the final exam to get my license! (dame yo) *kicks self in the butt now 4 not taking it* If I had obtained my massage therapy license, I could massage Takki for FREE w/no fee. LOL :P Oh well… But I STILL rem the techniques tho. XDD (Eh, Takki-san…want another massage?? ^.~ We can drink beeru & sing karaoke afterwards…lol)

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