Takizawa Rengou Vol. 258
27 Feb
Today it’s a little cold naIt is tough thinking up the neta for the concert’s Aishiteru ze, T&T
Who will provide me with it. Also, the part before Black Butterfly too
I will think more about it
Gomen, minna~ for flooding this place with Takiren translations… Got to take my mind off the calendars!! AHH!!! RIBI, THAT PICTURE IS SOOOOO CUTTTEE!! TAKKI *CHUCHUCHU*! I WANT MY CALENDAR!!!!!
*runs off to check EMS site again*
At Tokyo Metropolis, “dispatched from outward office of exchange”?
But still “no information” yet on SingPost! When will I get it? *pouts*
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Hehehe, Mich, have you checked Singpost this morning? I think it was on the flight while you were sleeping ne. Keep me updated and call me tonight as soon as you get it and OPEN the treasure inside…
I couldn’t sleep at all yesterday night, kept thinking of that chou kawaii Takki picture and of course, Tsubasa… *heartmark*
yup yup~ it’s out for delivery at 1.58pm :)
tis ok, sis…floood the place w/Takirens…gooood! LOL :p
yea, that reminds me… I literally AM THE only person on this T&T fandom that’s the last to get my calendar. -_- (I’m totally serious.) *MAJORLY pouts* >