Takizawa Rengou Vol. 291
25 Mar
Today it is finally the last of the tourNow it’s just before the first show
In any case, I’m looking forward to it
æ»æ²¢é€£åˆ 第291ç«
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site
Takizawa Rengou Vol. 291
25 Mar
Today it is finally the last of the tourNow it’s just before the first show
In any case, I’m looking forward to it
dont u put the japanese-version-takiren anymore???
why why ???? T_T
pleasee also put thejap word pleaseee
so i can learn japanese 4m takiren onegaiiiiiii
ban moko moko bo bo bo (‘-‘)
i agree with you-chan~
I need to practice my japanese! you see, i usually try and just read the japanese, and then see how close my understanding is….
michelle, nihongo no takizawa rengou onegaishimasu~!
youchan, skammie, honto ni gomen nasai… i can’t post the japanese versions and i had to restrict takirens to only registered users, due to reasons i can’t elaborate on over here… juz hope u all understand… sorry about it :(
wakatta ne T-T
j web really should go world wide !!!!
i wanna acess takiren from my mobile tooT_T
[can u email me takiren or something like that??
but ill understand if u cant or dont want to do so ne just asking in case….. *-*
anyway arigatou 4 translasting his bakeness 4 us ^^
thanks, you-chan~ ya, all we want is to spread the takki love around ne… sigh.. juz hope some ppl will understand that..
oh..ic…that’s too bad ne…