Ling sent this two nights ago *arigato* and I finally got down to translating it… Yay~ this is the renewed Takiren, though Takki is still coming up with the same whacky sales ideas *lol*
Takizawa Rengou Vol. 300
3rd May
Iya Iya, everyone in the Company, it’s been a long time da naSo you think it’s a rest day just because it’s Golden Week? Our company does not have such policy yo
There’s still a lot to be done to liven up [X~Dame~] yo
How about a project of requesting at Usen, running to the convenience store, reading while standing, and dancing [X~Dame~]?
By the way, today I had a meal with the Yoshitsune team
They’re really my close buddies da yo
Aa, that is right
Poor us who have been demoted are now in the Sales Department… Erm, Mister President, I don’t think I wanna do that…. and this is totally off-topic ~(and kinda late) but Man U has won the EPL!!! Yay~~ GLORY, GLORY, MAN UNITED!!! ♥♥♥
LOL, i think for all of President’s tasks, I don’t ever exactly WANT to do them *sweat* XP
thanks for the translation! I hope he updates some more~
thank you ^^ mich~
hope he update some more 2 ~~~~
Thank you for translate!! I was waiting for… thank you so much!
erm, I think it might be best if I don’t do Dame dancing at MY convenience store…they’d probably think I was in need of the mental hospital :p
On the other hand, how does one go about requesting songs for them? Can it be done on the internet? Would they know it was coming from some place outside of their listening area?
Thanks for the translation! ^_^
lol~ ah, i’m not sure about usen request though, probably it’s only for the japanese fans ne…
i wish he’d update more too ^^