Takizawa Rengou Vol. 302
20 May
Here’s President who over-ate and has a painful stomach. i came to the Teppanyaki shop during a break at work and ended up eating too muchDo you use your namecards? My impression is that Takiren’s fellow employees will show off their namecards when they meet each other! It might be trivial but I like it yo
Recently, there is a trend in the way my friends and I talk
Previously I had introduced adding “~like” to the end of the word.** But recently it has become a business language. For example, sushi, in the business language way, it becomes SHI~SU. For KARAOKE, it is OKEKARA. But we have always been like this
For sushi, it’s SU~SHI~. For KARAOKE, it is KA~RA~O~KE~. These have some flavour of the English language ne
Although it’s useless, I love doing this yo
i~ma~i~tsu~ba~sa~ It’s easier to communicate such things directly instead of by writing
In the current situation now, more than half of you (reading this) will have NO~REACTION
** Reference: Takiren Vol. 281
Thanks, Ribi, for helping me with the translation! ♥ We think he might be drunk while writing this, coz honestly, I don’t really get the part about the business language thingie *lol* And he just had to include aikata-kun’s name somewhere in his post hehe…
And just for the fun of it: ãŸï½žã~ã–~ã‚~ã²ï½žã§ï½žã‚~ã~ ♥
I think I know what he means/what he’s doing with the words. The way English is, you have to flip the words around to make it sound right in Japanese, right? like Taiyou no Kisetsu means Season of the Sun in English but literally translated is Sun of Season…so he’s switching sushi to shi su and I think the rest is pronouncation of the words.
I think they might be talking in English during “business meetings” because of the movie with Jackie Chan..or my dreams are coming true and T&T are going to have a con in the US XD OR him and his friends are just learning more English for fun…
LOL!! thanks so much, mich!!!
why is this guys soooooo CUTE?!?!? XD Gah!! I can’t get enough~ (though i have NO IDEA what he’s talking about either…hehe) haha, we are supposed to have “no reaction” huh? I am more confused and amused than anything XP and yes, he HAD to fit in Tsu’s name somehow…=D that baka~~ ^^
(er..i haven’t had a chance to “use” my name card yet…I don’t think that chance will come for a while…=.=’)
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Takki is SO cute…I don’t care if he’s drunk..he’s a cute drunk. =P No reaction?? *LOL*
I love how he always finds a way to put Tsu’s name in SOMEWHERE in his entry..no matter how or where. =P I love him more and more every time he does things like this. *kawaii*
Don’t get the “business talk” either yo. *lol* GAWD *dies* Love it.
Thanks for your hard work in translating this!! It’s always appreciated..very much!
Thank you for the translation.
But…what is that all about? LOL Although he sound very cuteeee (and drunk)…I still can’t get the point LOL
But glad to know he is interetsed in english recently *laugh*
does takki like anpanman very much?_?
haha so cuteeee he told us he over ate ka~wa~i~i~i ~
i dont understand too how OKEKARA is bussiness lang?? lol
a~ri~ga~to~u~ mich~~~
Another thing I forgot to mention…that boy could stand to over eat every NOW AND THEN…he needs to eat more… v__v Is it just me that feels that way? Because he gets so skinny sometimes. T__T
oh, Ribi was saying, maybe the english thing was becoz he wrote them in katakana (eg. スーシー) when initially he wrote the kanji 寿å¸. It’s hard to really get thru the meaning after translation. but I have used CAPS to indicate KATAKANA. and for tsubasa’s part, he wrote it in hiragana ã„ーã¾ãƒ¼ã„ーã¤ãƒ¼ã°ãƒ¼ã•ãƒ¼.
but i think Sarah has a point too, coz usually in japanese, positions of words are opposite from english. eg. i eat bread at home. In japanese, it’s in this form “[home] de [bread] o [eat]”!! ^^
for the last sentence, he actually wrote パーイーパーㄠ(a mixture of katakana and hiragana lol). this boy is cute hehe. I like! ^^
youchan, takki used to interchange the words in his previous entries. He used “okekara” for Karaoke, and “kurapuri” for Purikura.
and yes, stephi-chan, i think he should eat more!! he IS getting skinnier… when i saw him at kuricon, on the screen he looks fine. thru the binocs, he looks fine, but when he was only 1m away, i could see his face was very very thin.. could see the bone structure, it was quite sunken… and to think that since then, he said he’s lost even more weight? hmm…
Yes…no reaction whatsoever on my end here. LOL :P *swooosh…over my head* Okaaaaayy…I think it’s ME and not U sis. hahahahaha
Goodness, if he loses even more weight, he’d end up a telephone pole! -_- Aya, Takki~ Dame dame…