Sorry this is late… and sorry for my sucky attempt at translating yet again >_<
Takizawa Rengou Vol. 309
01 Aug
Un~ I’m tired yo<- (“spoilt child” mark) Is it ok for me to change character?
Today I was in Nagoya working
「Takizawa Enbujou〠has also come to an end
Is it ok to say something about this year’s 「Takizawa Enbujouã€?
After Yoshitsune’s suicideShowtime was very intense
Hard to adjust my emotions
This part during every show was very rushed (((((^-^;)
From next time onwards I need to consider this![]()
The Jrs which I gave my number to, there is no contact yoWas there a point in giving you my number?
Contact me when you see this
An announcementNext year’s 「Takizawa Enbujou〠is
I also don’t kno~w
Gotta thank Snuffles for her help in understanding some of the phrases above~~ ^-^ Ahhhh~~~ I want my Waratte Iitomo, Zoomin, Baseball clip, and 24hrDrama CM now!!! *whines*
Btw, Happy Birthday, Singapore! ^^
poor takkiY_Y *petpet*
it’s ok to take many many days off yo!
he really deserve it ne~
[and lucky those Jrs, i want his number too^^]
and i want those clip tooo~
thank you for takiren^O^ michchan~ ^^
ps~i ctrl refresh and now ic the kakkoii samurai layout^^
yea, he needs to take many days off, but he can’t la, now that tsubachan has WWP, takki will have alot of work to do for 24hr tv. he can whine all he wants!!! ^_^
*whacks whacks whacks the Jrs for not taking full advantage of Takki’s hp number!!!*
bonnie~~ haha, ya, those juniors, they just don’t know how lucky they are to have his number! or maybe they were afraid to call him hehehe…
And yes, *pets Takki on back*…poor thing he sounded so tired. -_-
*whacks the Jrs for NOT using Takki’s #!* Hey, Jrs. If you’re not gonna use it, can I use it then? lol :P Giiiive it to MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ^_^ :P j/k
Gosh, when he talked about how intense the Yoshi suicide was and how it’s always ‘rushed’ and he has to reconsider this, I guess then that it’s true Takki IS really dedicated to his career/work more than, say, love? *sigh* Now I really feel sorry for his gf/wife in the future. -_- Well, at least he takes into consideration how to perfect things better for his pieces (work projects) ne?