Takki updated Takiren on Monday!
Thanks, Bon-chan, for helping me in that sentence~^^
Takizawa Rengou Vol. 318
16 Dec
It’s fast, this year is also coming to an end naMy youth period felt long, however, once I passed 20 years old, each year seems really fast yo
Soon I’ll be on the 30s road na
Are you listening to the radio broadcast? I’m working really well with the staff
Every time every time we’re considering new corners. Again, the voice fetish I have when I can talk one-to-one with listeners is unbearable
Recently I’m already doing preparation for next year’s work yo
Give me my new year~
Okay~ Everyone voice out in unison “Manager no ba~ka~ya~ro~u~
As a~bove.
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takki kawaisou dane^^ haha
manager baka!
but actually i think he enjoy working ne haha
thanks for this translation^^
takki’s so silly getting his fans to whack his manager for him again :0 thanks for translating~
HAI~! manager-san no bakayarou!
He is so cute everytime he does that! (^__~)
He’s right too, when you hit 20 or 21, the years DO seem to fly by — I feel that way too ne.
Thanks for translating and posting this Mich!
I really miss Takiren, feel like long time no see.
Thank you Mich.
Omg…LOLOL Okayyy, Takizawa-san…
“BAKA yarouuu!!” :P LOL (welll…he did say ‘in unison’ right? lol j/k