
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

滝沢連合 第396章

Tono updated yesterday!! Thanks, nyanco, for the text :)

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 396

06 Dec

Kakumei rehearsals have started. Iya~ from the first day of rehearsals, I’ve been doing quite a bit of dancing yo I’ve written the opening song, so please look forward to it One year has passed really quickly Ah, I have to prepare the otoshidama*




*Note: otoshidama: new year gift money

He’s finished writing!! Can’t wait to hear the new song~XDD

All of Tono’s self-written songs should be put into a solo album ne!! He would have enough unreleased songs to fill 2 albums already~~ Sigh, the rehearsals must be tough since it’s renewal year~ and he already looked so thin in the J-net video… he’s bound to lose more weight. I wonder if he’ll have to do bungee again…

滝沢連合 第396章

4 thoughts on “滝沢連合 第396ç« 

  1. After all, Utada Hikaru has published 2 albums of her singles, so why not Takki?

    Why are Avex and Johnny so resistant to that idea? Surely the cost would not be high for them. Takki could no doubt do the PV himself [I bet he could do a better job than Utada did recently]. I see it as all profit, and fans would be happy!

  2. Hd that Utada Hikaru go on stop singing for awhile…yeah totally agree with both of you Takki should have his own solo album…Yes he bound to lose weight but most important let’s pray for good health for him.

  3. Yes, can’t WAIT to hear his new song as well. *dies*

    I’m always loving Tono’s songs he’s written himself and I totally agree w/you, Mich, on Avex putting together an album that would contain, just ‘that’…a solo album with his unreleased songs. It’s just too bad they haven’t done so at all. =__=;;

    I really don’t know why they don’t do this. >< I'm probably figuring that Johnny's and Tono himself wanna keep it 'private' or exclusive but you know what? They'd really make a lot more money by releasing an album like this with all of his exclusive songs on it, both from his solo concerts as well as all of his butais. (i.e. Enbujo, Kakumei, and Kabuki

    'Til this day, there still hasn't been 'Here I Am' yet on an his solo albums or on a cd single. It's one of my fav. all-time solo songs of his. *grrrr* And can't forget that slower ballad-ver. from SC he did once when he sang "Kiseki". I LOVE that version song too!

    Just too bad…*shakes head*

  4. Oh, and one more thing. (gomen ne) Can’t forget his latest song from SC, “Kareha no Kage” too. I’ve loved this song to death and I wished it was on the “Ai wa Takaramono” cds, but sadly, it’s not. >< Not even as a 'bonus' track.

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