
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

滝沢連合 第397章

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 397

15 Dec

Everyday goes by so quickly. I want to go for a massage. I want to eat nabe. I have to think of plans for Taki Channel. I guess the script for Kakumei isn’t ready yet. I have to buy winter clothes.




And those were the mutters in my head…

滝沢連合 第397章

6 thoughts on “滝沢連合 第397ç« 

  1. Now this is an interesting Takiren. I like it!

    I don’t feel too sorry for him about buying winter clothes. But the script for Kakumei isn’t ready yet!!!!! Haven’t they started rehearsals, or aren’t they about to? It opens in less than 2 weeks!

  2. Mich, thank u for Takiren..^^
    I like this Takiren vol too..XD
    I hope he can finished Kakumei script right away. It’s 2 weeks more..

  3. Thanks for this !!
    Oh my god, the script for Kakumei is not finished?! I think they have to hurry up a little ..
    A question: who is writing the script and plans the show? Is it Takki himself or is someone else writing the script, deciding on the music, effects, etc???
    I hope someone can tell me, thank you^^

  4. bon-chan~ amy~ i love this entry too :) but taihen desu ne, 2 weeks more and no script yet.

    simone~ i love that checked pants yo~

    jackie~ i don’t know who is the scriptwriter, but i don’t think it’s takki. he’s not credited as director for this kakumei so i think he’s not involved in the casting and budget, but i think as zachou, he still oversees the production.

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