
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


Someone has posted up my header on her blog as her header. Okay, I don’t understand… Don’t you wanna have a header image that is unique only to your own blog? Isn’t that what makes your blog YOUR BLOG? I know I didn’t specifically say not to re-post my header, but… isn’t it obvious? I don’t claim to have the rights to the images used, but that JPEG graphic up there is a piece of work that I had spent hours putting together.

Anyone is free to save it to their PCs for personal viewing, in fact I’m flattered if people do that. But posting it up without permission on your own blog as your header image is a different issue altogether. This is basic courtesy. And this isn’t the first time.


15 thoughts on “また!

  1. Mich….that’s too bad ne…..it’s really common sense…..hope she’ll get the message and change it…..

  2. …This is getting ridiculous. Why are people doing this kind of crap? I mean, doesn’t it say “takki.us” as well?

    I’m sorry this happened to you… more than once.

    Doesn’t matter how long you spent on it anyway, it’s your work. The creative properties of it belong to you. Not to anyone else. Wtf these people are so lazy.

    I don’t know why there’s a sudden influx of shitty fans in the T&T fandom(well I’m assuming it’s a Takki/T&T fan) as of late, but something needs to be done. UGH. :|

  3. incredible! a copycat!!! anyway, be happy…u know we can’t stop others to do what they want. Take care otherwise ur cough will not recover:-(!
    the feeling like a thief now coz i am at school:-P. Be happy! u r the best:-)

  4. i agree w u that copying to pc for personal viewing is one thing, But COPYING it as ur own banner is ANOTHER issue altog! wakarimasen this pp! tat’s what make ur own blog different fm others ma!wtf! chill mich! sorry that it happen to u again though!

  5. I really find that incredible! Both the impudence and the fact that they end up, after all, with something that is unique to another, doesn’t have their own mark on it. I hope it doesn’t happen again.

  6. How come there are still some senseless people exist in T&T fandom? And they might not even know the meaning of RESPECT. Ma…ma… this is education pro ne~ Hope you don’t feel too upset *pat Mich*

  7. wuoah I can’t belive it to, it’s very sad and senseless o__o!, people don’t have personality?

    It’s very unfair cause it’s your work and you spend time on it, I’m sorry for you Mich and hope it will not happend again
    *pat Mich too*

  8. ugh!! it’s fandom junk like this that irritates the heck out of me and makes people reluctant to share. sure, it’s “only the internet” and “only a picture,” but time, money and energy was spent on making the fanwork/buying the things and generously deciding to scan them for other people to see!

    maybe the thieves think that their actions won’t harm anybody and nobody would find out, but they’re wrong – it makes everyone irritated to hear about it and maybe the person who had stuff stolen from them will decide in the future that hey… they don’t want to share after all – thus, everybody loses! i would not want to meet any of these thieves in real life.

    i’m sorry that it had to happen to you :///

  9. Ugh, I can’t stand copycats….

    Imitation is not a form of flattery (in my opinion anyways)

  10. Oh I forgot to mention – look on the bright side, everyone will no know she stole your idea because your site is THE site to visit so all takki fans will know where you got it.

  11. thanks, everyone~ :) I’m not that angry about this now. i’ll juz ignore this for now… Something else has made me almost puke blood in an instant, with all that coughing going on… It’s crazy!! I want to do my subbing, but arrrghhhh!!! I REALLY NEED A PLACE TO RANT!!!!!!!

  12. F*CK! This is getting WAY out of control! It’s rediculous. First Naughtiest’s icon, then her friend’s icon, then Edy’s pics, now your header! *dies* Which idiot is it now? (v__v)
    I hope they’ve taken it down since you posted this. Why can’t this fandom go like it’s supposed to?? (_ _;)

  13. sorry for what happened to you, mich. are you feeling alright? please don’t push yourself ne.
    And it’s a Shame. People steal from others…

  14. stephi~ ah, this header thing has become a small matter now, i think the person was probably juz lazy to make her own banner… nothing can be as ridiculous as THAT other matter lol!

    nyanco~ a night’s sleep really helped! i’m feeling much better, fresh and all charged up! hehe~ thank u for everything, itsumo~ *hugs*

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