
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

新春滝沢革命2011 (Cast Update)

Kyaaaaa! Compared to the previous one, this new poster shows more of Takizawa-sama’s shirt~ Somehow, I find that slightly unbuttoned top very sexy heh~ that red feather looks familiar :)

It’s been announced that Nakayama Yuma, A.B.C-Z and Mis-Snow-Man are part of the cast for Takizawa Kakumei (2011). There are two female actresses joining the cast as well. No Kis-My-Ft2 (and Kitayama-kun) this year…

新春滝沢革命2011 (Cast Update)

7 thoughts on “新春滝沢革命2011 (Cast Update)

  1. XDDD.. Indeed, mich!! The unbuttoned top is sexy..haha~ XD and the red feather…hmmm..its looks familiar for me too..hehe~
    But there’s no Kis My Ft2 :(( >.<

    Thanks for the updates.. :)

  2. When the first time I heard about this… my thought was like “Is Kisumai finally debuting?”. If yes, good for them. But they will be missed, only EbiKiss can truly understand Tono.

  3. love~ me too, i also thought that maybe kisumai will be debuting soon… i’ll be happy for them. but i also agree totally, that only ebikisu can truly understand tono. I think takki works best with them… they have chemistry that’s unmatchable.

  4. Hmm..so that’s why..kis my ft2 recently is rare to perform with Takki.. if that true..is really good for them.. But I will miss them to perform with Takki again..

  5. The poster is a lovely pure white this time :DD
    The cast seems interesting too. Not all the usual regulars…

    Hmmm… Nakayama’s the kid who was in Tsuba-chan’s Playzone right? I watched it on DVD and was surprisingly impressed by his acting. His singing voice is quite pleasant too. I haven’t really been paying attention to him lately but now that he’s been casted as Takki’s brother… I will take this opporunity to check him out as an actor. Looking forward to it :)

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