
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


Why do all the tasks come in every time we’re shorthanded?!! Ahhhhh… The entire week, Bossu-san & sempai colleague are in Beijing for business, so it’s the 3 of us handling the tasks in Singapore. I’m the most ‘senior’ among them so I’m kinda in charge here, just for the week. Since the christmas season, we’ve been rather free and tasks came in quite consistently, at a slow pace. But this week is just simply crazy.

Day 1.
2pm: After we came back from lunch, we received a task to update the store, which was coded by sempai colleague. Ad will be in Digital Life the next morning so we had to update the site by that day. None of us are skilled in JSP/XML but somehow we three 臭皮匠 managed to ding3 the “zhu ge liang”, and solved the problem. And I waited till about 6.30pm before I got approval to push it live. It was such a hectic afternoon that I totally forgot to call my school for my final test result lol.

Day 2.
2pm: After lunch again, another ‘urgent’ eDM that must be done by 3pm *lol*. Usually, the timeframe we are given are 3 working days, but not sure why this week itself, all the tasks are “super urgent” and have to be done by the same day. There were other 2 tasks on the India store and some on Taiwan training. By the time I reached home, I was dead tired, and my eyes were seeing stars so much that I decided not to touch the computer, so I started on 「14才の母」, finished 3 episodes in a row, cried a bit, and went to bed *lol*.

Day 3.
Today. Since morning, tasks have been coming in like crazy. Little ones, big ones, and loads of “urgent” ones. And I heard that the situation in the Beijing office is bad too. Boss & sempai colleague worked till 7 plus. Now I’m taking a break in between tasks. Gotta let it out one way or another hahaha…

(Current list: 22 tasks)

There’re 2 more days before the end of the week.

And I think it’s just gonna continue all the way until…. (not sure when). During team meeting last week, boss told us that we’ll be very busy from April onwards, since now, apart from our usual sites, we’re handling Taiwan & China, and soon Japan & Korea too. Our new Japanese colleague will be joining us next month, and his name also starts with Ta… *lol*. 2 colleagues from UK team will be here for 2 weeks in April so we can’t be absent then. And as the number of countries under our belt increases, we’ll just be receiving more and more tasks…

Sigh, not totally due to this, but partly because of the lack of time, I totally didn’t write a birthday card to Takki. Not that my card will make a difference to him, but I really want to wish him Happy Birthday. It’s too late to write one and mail it now. It won’t reach him by Saturday. Sigh… I also want to change my layout, but now I’m not sure if I have time to come out with one which I’ll be satisfied with…

And then there’s the on-going 大策戦 。


4 thoughts on “時間くれて〜

  1. taihen~desune ganbatte ne
    (now it’s my summer break but hv to do an internship working like a labour and it’s so freaking hottt~~ aghhh)
    anyway~ mich chan~ fighto ~~ !!

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