
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

[Clip] [AIUEO] TakkiのかわいいTVBHK Interview

This is an old clip, but a very special one, coz it started/re-kindled my ♥ for Takki last year ^_^ Well, it’s not the exact interview, but another version of the same interview. Anyone has the original TVB interview? onegai~~~ *puppyeyes*


This was at the start of 2006 when Takki visited Hong kong and was interviewed by TVB. He spoke a bit of cantonese, “dai ga ho, ngo hai long zhak sau ming” (which means “Hello everyone, I am Takizawa Hideaki”). And he pretended to understand what the interviewer was asking lol~~~ That expression = priceless!!


Halfway thru the interview, his handphone rang! **ROFL** and he didn’t even know that it was HIS handphone ringing, he was still looking around for the “culprit” LOL~~~~ Then when he realised it was his~~ wahahahahaha~~~ his expression again = priceless!!

1st bubble: Oops! It’s mine!!
2nd bubble: Whoever called me, better watch out!

I love to hear his “Ha.Ha.Ha”, that famous laughter that I heard on ToBase as well~ I think it happens when he’s embarassed lol~ And he hit his cheeks with both hands too coz I think someone told him that he was blushing xD

Above bubble: So embarassing!

And the interviewer was giggling like a crazy fangirl~~ At the end of the interview, she told Takki: “YOU~ HANDSOME!” LOL~ Takki’s reaction was like.. “nani…?” hahaha~ then he thanked her~ “Arigato”~


Download @ MU (72.45MB)

**I miss his black hair!** And my brain is still fried by that split-second of teddy-bear*chu*takki.. ne, minna, I’m not in the right state for translations yet, so gomen nasai~ hope this clip will do ^_^ (come to think of it, you’d probably want video clips more than translations… deshou? *whacks*)

[Clip] [AIUEO] TakkiのかわいいTVBHK Interview

23 thoughts on “[Clip] [AIUEO] TakkiのかわいいTVBHK Interview

  1. hey, hey Michelle…cracked up laughing again when I saw these scrncaps of this epi. Ohhhh gosh…Stasya gave me the original on one of my dvd discs with the many, many stuff she gave me on TONS of discs.

    I SO remember seein’ this one. Always cracks me up every time and puts a smile to my face. XDD ^_^ lol Takki’s jus too funneh, ne? *taps my cheeks lightly*

    Btw, will dld u it on gmail ok? hehehe I have the original. *runs to find it* Dun worry sis. I have it. XDD

  2. Yeah, I’ve got some version, too. Don’t know which one it is….will have to look! I need to have a better naming system for clips LOL Something that makes things easier to find!

    Thanks for the clip…I’m grabbing it in case it isn’t the one I have & even if it is, yours is probably better quality ^_^

  3. Yes!! you-chan, the youtube link is the one i want. i watched it on youtube last yr and that started off my craze la~ but i’m looking for the original clip, does anyone have it? can upload for me??? pleaseeee….? reiko-chan…? *puppyeyes* glenda…? *puppyeyes* i only have a youtube-grabbed version of it which is super low-res…

    eh, this one that i uploaded is from AIUEO, and it’s not high res too but it is slightly longer, it has a few more questions, and it’s shown from a different angle (using a diff. cam).. and they had funny bubble words on it lol~~ this clip actually came with another enbujou press clip, but i haven’t uploaded that one yet…

  4. ne michelle…i downloaded jux the song…not the vid…its there in LIMEWIRE..but i had to search search under so many keywords…tackey,takki,tsubasa,imai…and there’s some tsubasa chronicles which came up everytime tsubasa was typed…argh~

    ohh…but there’s this word ‘mera mera’ which tsubie sings which lighting the smoke for that lady…but in the downloaded song it aint there…

    *scratches head*

  5. bonnie~~ HONTO??????? AAHHHHH…………. *FAINTS*

    trish, i heard the full song from tobase before too. i think there’s mera mera, and loads of others, like biri biri, giri giri, jiri jiri etc etc etc… eh, i got to listen to it again (trying not to listen to it too much before the singles come out heh)….

    reiko-chan, no email from u wor~~ :(

  6. Ha, Mich, I grabbed this clip though I think you burnt it for me already coz I just love having it on multiple computers (to reduce the chances of it being totally obliterated should my beloved laptop/desktop/hard drive crash).

    I still think the host saying “YOU HANDSOME!” the funniest line in the whole interview. Coz that was totally unexpected since it’s totally obvious that President Hidecchi is blindingly kakkoii.

    And ne, which brings me to a point we discussed/laughed over lunch today – you should really, at the end of your card to Takki, apologise for the Japanese written, excuse yourself and end it off with:

    I….I… from Singapore. I don’t cry…. Naaaaani?!

    I think he’ll stomp his foot when he reads it!

    *runs away*

  7. I remember this clip! XD Takki… *falls*

    I think Ribi’s “I from Singapore” idea is really good. *kicked*

  8. hahaha…actually ribi’s I FROM S’PORE is really “XD”

    i think ill input that in the card which am sending him for his budday!!!

    *budday bum budday bum…INSANITY STRIKES* lol

    but i still didnt hear ‘mera mera’ yet…*wonders…shakes head*

  9. by ribi I….I… from Singapore. I don’t cry…. Naaaaani?!

    I think he’ll stomp his foot when he reads it!

    *runs away*
    OMG ROFLMAO That’s hysterical for some odd reason :p

    Michelle, I’ll run a search for this file & check its quality.

  10. thanks, miharu!!! i’ll try to download it now~ :)
    ya, thanks, glenda~~~!! hopefully yours is in avi format? keke…
    and lol abt ribi’s comment la~~~ nope, i din write that in the end…
    my card ended up too messy for words *cries*

  11. Here is a link for the one I have…quality not great however….is this it?


    It doesn’t have the bubble thingies & when he pitches the phone it appears to be from a different angle.

    Where I got this clip, I have no idea! Probably youtube considering it was in one of my older folders.

  12. My card was rescued with a correction pen (white out) LOL

    Have you any idea how to check those 2 sites Bon put up that will be showing the PVs?? I will try using the “translate this page” function but I don’t hold out much hope with it LOL

  13. Miharu’s clip is good quality! But you will have to play it in Real Player unless you convert the file….I read that you lose some of the quality with conversion though. I just got a program that lets you edit clips but ummm, I haven’t mastered it yet. I tried one clip & got it cut right but the audio was not synched right. It is freeware called Virtual Dub if you want to try using it.

  14. I’ll go upld it to u today from FedEx/Kinko’s, gomenasaiiii sis!! Been real busy on my end lately becuz my daughter jus started Preschool now, and I’m also helping out my friend. (she’s 6 mo’s pregnant w/twins on the way; helping her do laundry, wash dishes, etc. Yeah…basically her ‘maid’ during the certain days I can make it to her place. lol :p)

  15. thanks, glenda, but VD can’t be used to cut RMVBs… and ya, the audio’s sometimes out of sync~ i’ll try to convert miharu’s clip then~ arigato!
    ah, reiko-chan, i got ur email~ thanks!! but i haven’t dled it yet coz i’m at work now, probably got to go home tonite and do it…

  16. thanks, miharu! i’ve managed to download the clip~~ it’s the one i was looking for. i’ll try converting it to AVI… hopefully it works~ :)

  17. thank you so much for sharing! i just watched it from miharu’s link, takki is really kawaii ne, they said he was actually very shy in backstage lol
    another video i like the best is the one when he forgot his girlfriend lyrics on the stage! he looks so CUTE when he is embarrassed! and he handled it very well!^_^ as takki’s fans i think everyone must have watched it before, still i want to put it here for someone who missed it, haha

  18. ^O^

    Thank you so much for sharing this very cute & priceless video dear ~~♥♥ ^____^

    No wonder it’s so special to you- i mean the video but it goes for Tackey as well..neh?XD – ^ ^,he is just so cute~~^O^,his shyness made him even more charming *kyaa~~*

    actually,you helped me a lot even without knowing that^^,i was so in need to this lovely dose of Tackey -sama in my life lately ^_^,and you with this refreshing interview put a smile in my face & made feel better already ,really grateful more than i can say for everything you do ✿✿♥

    Ganbatte kudasai ^-^

    wish you the best always,have an amazing day shining with joy as you always made us happy ^O^

    Best regards

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