
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

FC Bulletin Vol.28

I WANT THAT!!!!!!!!!!! *SOBS* Why is it so difficult to buy from Y!A JP? Why can’t international fans be members? Why? ~~ v-v; When I saw all the Vol. 28s spouting up, I kya-ed out! And I’ve only seen the front and back covers (plus that page on Tsu in the middle). But it’s Chuushingura and Sagi Musume, which means it’s the ENBUJO’08 issue!! I WANT THAT!!!! *whines* I NEEEEED THAT!!!! u__u

(Image taken from Y!A Japan)

It’s so gorgeous, isn’t it!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Okay, I’m biased. But i love ANYTHING to do with Enbujo’08!

FC Bulletin Vol.28

5 thoughts on “FC Bulletin Vol.28

  1. You are not biased–you merely have good taste! ^_^ If the people at JE would only get it thru their heads that there is money to be made by going international, um, we’d be much poorer! LOL No, really, JE could let us get in on it & maybe even charge us a bit more because I doubt we’d scream about it being more if it were less than the auctions’ prices kick things up to for these items.
    P.S. I want it to :p

  2. Waaaa! Me three! I want that too!
    Tono is so gordeous. XD
    JE and Johnny-san is so stupid for not including international/overseas fans…we’re more than willing to give up our funds for the merch!

  3. When will enjobu 08 release?What is the exactly date ? I hope it is not a rumour.

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