
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Happy Birthday, Takki!!

It’s 29th March! A 329 special layout, just for today. And I kept the pink.

滝沢くん、26歳のお誕生日おめでとうございます!♥ ♥ ♥
Happy 26th Birthday, Takizawa-kun!!


My wish for Takki this year is for him to be happy and healthy. Actually, this is my wish on 29th March every year. I hope he takes good care of his body during the tough Enbujou run. He must be so busy with rehearsals right now that I’m not sure if he (or anyone else) is gonna have time to celebrate. But I hope that the people dearest to him will be by his side today ♥

Edit: Avex has updated their flash with a birthday greeting to Takki!
Quite a kira-kira “26” there :D

Happy Birthday, Takki!!

28 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Takki!!

  1. tomorrow, my friends from Ho!Takky forum will celebrate his birthday, last year they made a cake with his pic on it, really nice but i was too far away, i couldn’t join them. This year is the same T.T

    Anyway, Happy birthday Takki! I wish every best things will come to you. I wish he would release many dvd and cd this year or even concerts. Ah… but wait, it will make him tired huh? and my pocket will be poorer again lol

    In my country, it is not 29th yet but i still congrate his birthday here. I hope u will have a great day also, mich ^^

  2. thanks, hiyuki! same to you ne ^^~
    I know that some of the chinese fans are having a meet up today, and some friends I know are meeting up in malaysia too. a pity there isn’t a gathering here. ahhh… i can’t sleep now anyway, i think i’ll go watch the premium documentary lol~ or maybe i shud watch a bit of ‘majo no jouken’ to relive the first moments i set my eyes on this amazing boy~~ ^o^ ahhh… i wish he’s happy wherever he is.

    I hope he at least has time for some cake and laughs with his friends (and Tsu XD) even during all the Enbujou stuff.
    I think I’m going to go watch a bunch of clips and relive the first days I got into the fandom!
    I hope he had a really happy day!

  4. hi mich, yeah i wish he would keep his best smile forever for us and for himself ne ^^
    ok, i see u can’t sleep now hehe, i wonder what takky was doing on his birthday, enjoy lots of present perhaps ^^;

  5. Happy b-day Takky! Blessing the day of him will be filled with joy and beauty :) Always support Takky, even he doesn’t know. Love Takky more than ever :D

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAKKI! I wish you healthy, full of joy and has lots of love! And i wish you more famous here in Indonesia so i can see you more on tv!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAKKI! I wish you healthy, full of joy and has lots of love! And i wish you more famous here in Indonesia so i can see you more on local tv channel!

  8. タッキーと26才お誕生日おめでとう~~
    wishing baka chan all the best and genki always ne ^^Y
    bakami chan, bakasemitachi here are not able to celebrate 329 with others as we all are busy with own programmes/activities ne… demo, we have finally agreed to postpone the birthday celebration to next week ne, plannig to have dinner at japanese restaurant~ hahahaha, how about bakami chan ne?

  9. Happy Birthday TAckey!

    May you continue to shine brighter and stays on top. You’re still THE BEST…..THE ONLY ONE……..please take care of yourself…….eat some more and take a rest f you have some spare time…….I will always support you MY ONE AND ONLY IDOL!

  10. really nice layout sukidesuu

    ( takizawakun e tanjoubi omedetou~~^^ hope u happy and healthy as well )

    and ps~ that’s a really kirakira 26 ne takki might love it ha~

  11. Happy Birthday Tackey~! ^^ wishing you the best.

    aww Mich your new layout is so sweet ^^ “prince charming on white horse” ;) kawaii~

  12. Happy Birthday Tackey !!!!!


    Happy for this day and every day ne.

    You are the hot sun of my life !!!
    You shine on me and you burn my pocket money too.

    love you. CHU CHU CHU

  13. Your banner’s absolutely gorgeous! Happy Birthday, Takki! From Utada’s First Love, “You will always gonna be my love…” XD

  14. Otanjoubi Omedettou, Takki-san!

    Wish you ALL THE BEST in YOUR LIFE!
    – Always love n care to Tsubasa Imai
    – Be a GREAT ACTOR
    – Be Exist in JE
    – Keep SMILING for us ^^
    – GANBATTE for your ENBUJOU~

    Mich, your new banner is so beautiful ^^, love the color which you used :)

  15. I’m late getting my “I love your header!” comment to you but I do love it ^_^ I got silly & spent a ton of time doing that vote thing & posting Happy Birthday comments each time LOL Surely, he spent his birthday doing something more exciting :p

  16. happy birthday tackey!!!

    Btw, saw the card avex made him.
    He shoulkd share those diamond with Tsubasa. LOL

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