
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Honestly, this is crazy!!

As if a Jacket D (that you can only buy online at mu-mo’s Takitsuba shop) isn’t enough, they have now come up with such a “fantastic” marketing strategy.

If you pre-order any of Jackets A, B or C at the T&T concert venues, you’ll receive a free “Special CD” which contains a song called “Arigatou”, lyrics written by Takki and Tsubasa. And the cover of this CD will be different for each venue. So there’ll be 3 covers for Nagoya, Kobe & Yokohama.

And thats not all. In each of this “Special CD” gift, there might be a “takaramono” (treasure). If you find this “takaramono” inside your CD, it means you get a backstage pass! Only 50 backstage passes will be given out per show. That means, for 9 shows over these 3 venues, there’ll be 450 “ultra lucky” (according to Avex) fans who get to go backstage. So, all in all, fans will just be queuing up and ordering many CDs just to try their luck at this ‘lottery’?

Shouldn’t they be spending more time and effort to market the single to reach the ippan people, rather than make the same fans buy multiple copies? I was already prepared for 4 versions, but now there are like what, a total of 7 CDs?!

Okay, maybe I’m over-reacting. But seriously, I GIVE UP!

The only sorta good news today was an email from Johnnys International Email Office, announcing their “Johnnys International information email delivery service” which I presume is something like Jticket, announcing information relevant to International fans, like where they can buy the Takizawa Kabuki DVDs in HK and Taiwan, and the schedule for Akanishi Jin’s US tour.

Honestly, this is crazy!!

8 thoughts on “Honestly, this is crazy!!

  1. OMG!!!! What?? Woowww…Sigh..
    The backstage pass??!! well..i just can say..i hope they’re lucky..
    for me..i only prepared to buy 3 versions only…

    mich, how to get email from Johnnys International Email Office?

    btw..thanks for the report.. ^ ^

  2. LOL. Mich. I know. It’s crazy. My email and private message inboxes are flooded with people asking me about that free CD. I’m not sure yet if I will go to all the venues or not. Even if I go, there’s no way I will be queuing up in long lines. My ego and pride are as high as Everest mountain, even Tono can’t bend them up for me (even Yasunori Hayashi, my biggest influence in life and music since I was little kid can’t do that!), I rather pay other people to do the job for me. LOL.

    But… I don’t really approve of this kind of marketing strategy. They (as always) keep milking the same old people. I know it’s an easy way, like saying… milking the fans while those boys still got some fans. Still… it’s not good for the long term. I want more people to love and keep remembering Tono. I want more people to care about him. He’s not even in 30 yet, he deserves bigger fanbase.

  3. Indeed, Mich, this is crazy!

    I think it is typical Avex short-sighted strategy. People who cannot go to the concerts cannot order those CDs anyway. You would think they would just try to maximise their sales, with some decent advertising. They might gather some new fans.Instead, with this, people who would have preordered at CD.jp or other will simply postpone so they can have the fun of standing in awful lines at the venues.

    What idiot thought this up? As the British would say, sometimes Avex is so sharp it cuts itself.

  4. No marketing strategy is ever fair. But Avex is shooting itself in the foot on this one.
    I mean, it’s almost like they’ve calculated their losses these past two and a half years and decided to make up for it – all in one go! What a super KY way of rewarding unit fans’ patience. (even tho I’m not one of those fans, I can sympathize and i feel fed up with it too. Cause one minute, they’re reaching out to international fans, and the next minute… this. This is really what HK people call “一啖砂糖一啖屎” v__v)

    But this strategy is obviously working… some people are already collecting volunteers to line up at each of the venues??? sighhh

  5. I have a strange feeling: Perhaps no one knows if there is another 2 and a half years or more to go for the next … or will this be the last for T&T? That’s why I decided to watch the show in Yokohama. However, I really can’t afford spending much time to join the queue lor!

    I love T&T merely because of Takki. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this silly question, but can anybody tell me what happened to the unit in the past few years?

  6. ≪≪ スペシャルinfo ≫≫

    タッキー&翼 NEW SINGLE「愛はタカラモノ」リリース記念予約販売決定!!


     Mis Snow Man・FiVeも登場予定?!



  7. thanks for the info, sandy!
    lol, now they’re asking mis snow man and five fans to join in the pre-order frenzy, so that they can have a go at the backstage pass too (where there’s photo taking etc). . .

  8. Srsly crazy-idea of Johnny’s (or Avex)…INSANE. Last week when I finally had the chance to read this entry and comments made, I was livid but at the same time, what a marketing ploy/strategy on Avex’s part.

    I think in the end w/this whole idea to me is, Avex & Johnny will go for the money-making-kill…nevermind what fans think or what they have to go through to get the items. If they can get enough customers and sales to go to their concerts now just to buy the cds, the better for them since they’ll now make more money in getting fans to travel abroad to a concert than just buying 1 or 3 cds from cdjapan, HMV, etc. They make more money this way in getting not just only regular fans but possibly ‘newbie-fans’ to buy airfare & concert tickets now compared to just buying cds from the respective cd companies.

    sighhh…get everyone’s money’s-worth…money, money, money. *..feeling the agony…*

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