
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

“Kokuchisezu” Ratings Report (Osaka: 24.8%!!)

As reported yesterday, the average rating for Kokuchisezu was 19.6%. But that was for Tokyo (Kantou region) only. Look at the ratings for the rest of the cities!

Sapporo (HTB): 22.1%
Fukuoka (KCB): 21.0%
Osaka (ABC): 24.8%
Nagoya (NBN): 24.5%

ALL OF THEM ARE ABOVE 20%!!! Kyaaa~ Osaka’s 24.8!! That’s really high!! Sugoi naaaa!!! Honto ni ureshiii ne!!!!! XD And the scene which achieved the highest rating was when Ryo and Mama were at Coco Palm Beach Garden! *dances around*

From Dogatch:

高視聴率を獲得 ドラマスペシャル『告知せず』

11月15日(土)よる9:00 から放送されたテレビ朝日開局50周年記念ドラマスペシャル

さらに、系列各局でも高視聴率が続々。全国5大都市縦断弾丸試写会で回った札幌、福岡、大阪、名古屋では視聴率がすべて20%(HTB 22.1%、KBC 21.0%、ABC 24.8%、メ~テレ 24.5%)超えという快挙を達成。番組終了後にはホームページや番組宛てに「考えさせられた」「涙がとまらなかった」等、賞賛の声と共に、ガンという病気と闘っている方本人からも「勇気をもらった」や、家族の身に同様のことが起きた体験談などが寄せられた。

放送開始時点ですでに20%近い数字を記録すると、そのままその勢いを後半まで継続。22:36~22:37 の、グアム・ココパームビーチでの涼(滝沢秀明)と十央子(高畑淳子)のシーンでは瞬間最高視聴率となる21.6%をたたき出した。


“Kokuchisezu” Ratings Report (Osaka: 24.8%!!)

13 thoughts on ““Kokuchisezu” Ratings Report (Osaka: 24.8%!!)

  1. Wow, this is so great! Really high rating ne. Even though I don’t understand much Japanese,when I was watching it real time, I was crying hard. The acting is wonderful, the story is heart warming, and Tono is super kawaii&kakkoi.

  2. 最高!takki最棒!偶以及激动地语无伦次了^_^ 希望来年的舞台剧也是场场爆满

  3. kat~ yea, all the promo paid off ne! ^^

    glenda~ this is such a successful campaign! although taihen, i love the rush~ we really get so much of takki :)

    nyanco~ hehe, 24.8 is really high ne!

    carolfyfy~ i dun understand fully too, but his acting was really good! and when we see that puppy eyes of his, juz wanna give him a hug ne…

    sannah~ yea, we’re all proud of him :)

    first love~ this good news saved my day! ^^

    lovetakki~ i heard that takizawa kakumei tix are already sold out.

  4. This is really wonderful! Super results. Good recognition for our subarashii Takki!

    I heard early last week that the kakumei tix were sold. An acquaintance inquired among Tokyo friends who are well placed to know. So I imagine any resales will have a high premium…

  5. aawwww…Omedetouu Tono!!!! *clap*clap* I’m so happy for him. I hope he’ll eventually win a ‘Best Actor in a new Lead Drama’ for this. lol

  6. Wow! That’s pretty high rating for SP drama. I really feel so happy for him. Thanks for sharing such a good information with us. Hope to see him more on TV.

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