
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Merry Christmas!!

14 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!!

  1. Hi Michelle

    A Happy and wonderful christmas to you.
    Thank you for the information on takki through the year.

    Hope you had a wonderful christmas with takkitsuba.

  2. hey michelle…gome gome..i hv not been dropping by here quite some time now..blame my working hours!!! *knocking my head* now for being unfaithful to u for 3 weeks now *shyyy* gome ne..

    yeap im the one who posted zubari in 2wenty_2wo…my lj is ttxryo_nic..yoroshiku ne…wats urs?

    guess wattt…i hv this crazy idea..since i missed this year unitcon,lets make it next year~~then i hv time to save $$ ne…gosh i feel so excited jus thinking about it..but when tat wil b?any idea?

    *bricked* hopefully i can really make it..how much expenses u paid for the con alone?plus accom,transport?roughly SGD?

    *wavessss* to shuduck too…thanks for the warm welcome in the Christmas Con Goods entry ne..i LOVE to join this fansgirling T&T paradise..*hugsssssssss*

    michelle,tell us more about the con k?i bet u had the BEST time in ur life..i know i WILL if i were u~~how good….

  3. merry christmas to you too, michelle! ^^ glad to see you’re back home safe and sound (and lovesick, probably? XD) *hugs*

  4. Shelle~

    Here’s wishin’ you a ‘belated’ Xmas to u & your family. XDD And, ‘Akeshimashite Omedetou!’ = Happy New Year in Japanese (I thank my friend Maiko for translating this to me.) She left for Arizona after Xmas and would return b4 New Year’s Eve. LOVIN’ this photo of Takki!! @_@ Where’d u get this from?? I WAAAANT…can u send me a chotto larger vers. of this photo to my gmail? If u dun have one, tis ok. XDD

  5. ya, minna-san, i’m still writing my report! it’s not even halfway done lol~~~ that’s why i’ve been MIA!!! T&TCON wa SAIKOU!!!!!! haha.. more later~~~

    BONNIE, I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **MMUUAAACCKKSS**

  6. michelle~~~ finally, finish the reading, really a looooooong report ne
    takki is too cute, i still can remember his baka-ist ne~ so kawaiiiiiii
    hope next time we can go together, c ya T(^^)T

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