
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Random stuff~

After reading Azuki’s super kawaii concert report, I copied her drawing and drew it on my office white board. I can’t draw well but as long as I know who they are, it’s alright lol~ Now everyday when I step into office and sit down on my chair, the first thing that will greet me are these two :D


There was a press conference for Enbujou’08 today at 3pm. Can’t wait to see the WS clips! I wish he will do a Yukichan makeup scene lol~ Imagine him with painted white face and a brush~~~ *hyperventilates*

[spoiler]Din go to work today, still coughing. The doctor said it might be microplasma infection, and gave me another type of antibiotics. Even changed the type of cough syrup. But after the first dose of this syrup, my coughing-till-I-puke thing came back again! I hate it when it happens~ and since it has happened once today, most likely it’ll continue for the next few days, for a few minutes each time. When it “strikes”, it feels like there is something at the throat (like how ppl put their fingers to induce vomiting), and I can’t control it at all, it just makes me puke and puke, and puking out nothing! Yet coughing at the same time! I don’t even know how it is possible for someone to puke and cough at the same time lol~ but it does happen! and the most unbearable thing is not the puking or coughing, but the difficulty in breathing during those couple of minutes. DAMN IT, STUPID COUGH, PLEASE GO AWAY!

My lungs are about to explode already ne v___v


Random stuff~

12 thoughts on “Random stuff~

  1. mich, that sounds terrible. I hope you’ll feel better with new antibiotics. Please take care.

    I like your drawings!! so cute! ..uh? but you forgot his two little ほくろ under his left eye. :)

  2. oh shit! my mesage has been deleted x.D I never remember not to put that simbol > “broter” gomen!

    once again…

    Mich!! I loooove that drawings!! nitteru ne! *ureshii!
    I’m very glad you like my drawings, I wish I have more time to draw those days, but get used once again to the routine is quite hard

    by the way, OMG mich!! take care ne! please don’t lose against that microbes! you must take the better medicine I know… TONS OF TAKKI’S LOVE nee!! º D º

  3. *hugs*

    I hope you get better SOON! It sounds terrible what you have. Take care and get lots of rest. *defeats microbes with Takki Samurai moves* *LOL*
    Really take care ne!

  4. When I get cough, I will sip worm water all the time and it work for me.

    Try to take a deep rest ne.

    Mich, Gambattene !!!

  5. minevelyn~ thanks! i almost forgot it’s the 15th day!

    nyanco~ seems like the new antibiotics is taking a bit of effect :) azuki’s drawings are sooo cute desho! i think this is the “comic version” so their eyes are only “dots”. but her full version’s takki do have his two trademark “beauty spots”! so cute~~ xD

    azuki~ hehe, many ppl’s comments have been swallowed by that ebil symbol~ it’s something of this blog which i can’t fix yet, sigh… ah, i saw your animated emoticons (eg. “kokokun”), is there a place i can find more of those? *puppy eyes*

    stephi-chan~ thank u! *practices samurai moves too* i hope that thing won’t strike again *fingers crossed*

    PUI~ ah, thanks for the reminder hehe. i’ll go grab another cup of warm water now :D

  6. haha! I like how Takki is checking himself out and Tsu is checking Takki out^^

    o.o Feel better soon. That sounds crazy~ a cough/puke

  7. bunsie~ yea, now i feel like drawing little takkis and tsubasas all over my whiteboard’s edge.. would be cool i think xD

    naughtiest~ arigato *hugs* i can’t wait to be well too. cough-devils often stay very long in me :S

    kehluh~ thanks! i hope u’ve managed to order the DVDs fine. lemme noe if u need any help k~ :D

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