
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

[レポ] Tackey Summer Concert 2012 初日

Here are pictures of the goods!

Other pictures :


  • While waiting to enter the venue, fans saw Takki and Mis Snow Man by the stadium entrance and they were filming something!! Perhaps it’s for TakiChannel?
  • As noted above, only pink pompoms are allowed! So for everyone who’s going, do take note!

All pics found on Weibo and Twitter. Thank you to all the uploaders!
More updates on the way~

[Updated @ July 26, 11:00 am] *** SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT ***

Details from fan reports :

*note : there were three stages – the main stage, the middle center stage (surrounded by the center blocks) and the back-end stage (the stage at the opposite end of the arena, the one furthest from the main stage)

  • As fans were setting down and doing the “Takki! Takki! Takki!” chant, a video was played on the stage screens. It was a parody of the 24hCosme CM!! In the video, ABC-Z appeared and after the “Asa made kirei na kimi ga suki” phrase… it showed Takki in a girly 24hCosme (maid?) outfit (and also, MSM in otaku outfits?) LOLL!!
  • Opening song was Madonna (piano version). Takki appeared on the upper part of the main stage and played the chorus on the piano as he sang. Then for a moment, he disappeared, while the bg music of Madonna continued to play. Everyone’s attention turned to the center stage platform that had white cloth draped around it. The platform was elevated high into the air and when the cloth was pulled off, Takki appeared standing on top of the platform! He was wearing sunglasses with a black and gold military-style outfit!! Everyone said it was CHOU KAKKOII!!
  • Takki returned to the main stage, took off his sunglasses and performed Words of Love.
  • 894 was performed with female dancers。
  • Takki has two new songs and they are called “Crazy Girl” and “Detroit.” At the beginning of Crazy Girl, a “red sportscar” appeared on stage and Takki and the female dancers danced around it. Takki was now in a white sleeveless down vest and a black inner shirt. Fans also said that the dance involved “hip swinging” and was quite sexy~ Detroit was also performed with a sexy dance.
  • Mini MC.
  • Junigatsu no Hana. Takki said “I know it’s summer… but I told you I was going to do various things, right!” (On a personal note, I am so shocked and happy that he decided to do this song!!! I haven’t heard him sing this since the 2005 solocon… and I certainly didn’t expect him to perform it during a summer concert!)
  • Fight All Night. Takki changed into an orange colored outfit (I’m not particularly fond of the color orange but… fans said he looked kakkoii). There’s lots of fire involved in the performance.
  • Ai Check It! (again, another unexpected song? ^^;). Takki went past the South arena block and headed towards the back-end stage.
  • “Souchou Graduation Drama” with Ai Kakumei and WITH LOVE. At the beginning of the mini drama, Takki said something like “I will graduate from being Souchou because it’s been decided that I’ll be having a concert in Hachioji.” As you can imagine, the video itself was quite hilarious~ Someone on twitter said there was a scene where Takki was souchou and he was being chased by reporters (played by MSM) lol~ As the video was being shown, Takki got off the back-end stage and walked towards the main stage via the aisle between the center blocks!! (This means some lucky fans got to see Takki at eye level!) When he reached the main stage, Takki took off his Souchou jacket and was trying to decide whether he should take off his Souchou wig too XD At the end, it was “graduation time,” so he took off his wig and performed WITH LOVE.
  • HEY! LISTEN TO THE MUSIC & Yamanotesen Sotomawari. Takki got on a cart and went around the front of the stands (starting from the north stand block and ending at the south).
  • MC. Takki and MSM picked a random number (seat number) and the lucky fan who was sitting in that seat (which in this case was a young woman dressed in a yukata) was invited to the stage to meet Takki!! There were two chairs waiting for them in the middle of the runway between the main stage and the center stage. When Takki asked who she was a fan of, she said Takki. Then he asked what she liked about him and she said “Everything!” LOL! When Takki said “Be more specific~ It’s not very often you get to do this!” she was quiet as she tried to think of something to say. Seeing that she couldn’t come up with anything, he joked “It’s ok if you’re a fan of mine who doesn’t know a lot about me.” XD After that, he excused himself to the main stage and said “This is my senpai’s song, but I like it so I’m going to sing it” and began singing Mou Kimi Igai Aisenai!! The female dancers escorted the lucky fan towards the main stage and at the end, she and Takki disappeared together behind the backstage curtains… (raise your hand if you are also jealous of that fan right now!!)
  • Jr corner
  • Hikari Hitotsu. Takki reappeared on a gondola that was floating in midair above the main stage. He had changed into a sleeveless long jacket with a sparkly white tank top and white pants. Once he got off the gondola, he grabbed a “trunk” and when he opened it, inside was the Aloha shirt (same one from the con goods) and pink pompoms~~~
  • Of course, that could only mean one thing. Kimagure Jet!!!
  • Ai wa Takaramono. It was performed on center stage with pink pompoms.
  • Ho! Summer! Takki went from the center stage to the back-end stage via the south arena block. At the end of the song, he and the Jrs lined up and shook their butts LOL
  • Yume Monogatari. It was performed on the back-end stage.
  • One Day, One Dream. Takki went from the back-end stage to the center stage via the north arena block.
  • Shalala
  • Mini MC. Takki said he’s in the midst of doing recordings for the album.
  • Kiseki. Takki took off the Aloha Tshirt and fans said he looked really kakkoii with just a white tank top because you could see his muscular arms and his lean figure. Fans also noticed that he had a big (fake) tattoo on his right arm.
  • Encore #1 : TakiRanger & Mini Ero Ero Dance Skit! There was no action scene during TakiRanger. He just came out and sang the song. But he was wearing the Takiranger helmet and he was also wearing an orange Tshirt with the words “俺命” on the front (MSM were wearing orange Tshirts too, but their’s had “滝沢命” on the front instead). Then for the PG13 rated version of the ero ero dance… he took off the helmet (but kept his shirt on) and just did a lot of hip swinging… lol
  • Encore #2 : Hito Natsu no…
  • Encore #3 : Hitomi wo Tojite
  • The special guests in the audience today were the Micronesian ambassador to Japan and his family! (Takki sugoi!!) The ambassador gave a short speech in Japanese and at the end, he said “Takizawa-san, I mean, Takki… daisuki desu!”
  • The other special guests were Kawai (ABC-Z), Eda Tsuyoshi, Hayashi Shouta and Yamamoto Ryouta (TheyBudou). They came out on stage and joined Takki during the MC.
[レポ] Tackey Summer Concert 2012 初日

15 thoughts on “[レポ] Tackey Summer Concert 2012 初日

  1. it seems like the opening song wasn’t Crazy Girl..It was the piano version of Madonna..Takki appeared in white suits and played the piano..

  2. is the tote bag good material??
    i couldn’t tell from the pic.. XP

    ahhh.. so sad that i’m not going… =(
    ppls that are going (or went), enjoy!!!
    and hopefully there’ll be a next time to meet up with everyone…!!!

  3. Fans buying tickets through international ticket office were seated at the center block, facing the middle center stage. I never thought I can be so close to takki and really seeing him several times at eye level!
    On 27th show, Yara appeared as guest and danced with the lucky girl in Mou Kimi Igai Aisenai.
    Kitty, the tote bag seems to be a mixture of linen and ployester.
    Penlight is the must buy item. Takki looks very happy when he sees almost all of us waving penlights and pink pompoms.
    I think it’s just too good to be there!

  4. hi mich…im sorry for give you trouble with my request..but i really want to watch this epi 14(wanna watch it badly) n last epi, mybe epi 15 of Mokuyou no Kaidan, Kaiki Club
    ~ Shogakusei Hen ~…plsss..

    if anyone has it pls share it to me..i looked at newshfan, but it is in mu n of course cant download it

  5. hi mich and everyone,

    wanna ask for something, will u share to me the link for kaiki club epi 14 and the last epi in mf files???

    i hope someone will share it to me….
    i found it in newshfan but cant download since she upload it in mu file..


  6. Wow, that´s a great and detailed report! Thank you so much!!

    Omg, that fan is sooo lucky >__<
    And also Takki, he still didn´t manage to watch PLAYZONE T_T I know he is busy but PLAYZONE will be over soon. Last year he came watching twice.

    1. eh, why is my comment uncompleted??!! I wrote so much but it doesn´t show up. Why?? T_T
      Well, I try to summarize, what my comment above doesn´t show:
      I understand why the fan became so silent, because if I would stand in front of Takki, who talks to me, I might even faint or become totally speechless at least lol
      Some members of PLAYZONE came watching but I want Tsubasa to come to his concert too >_< Takki should come watching PLAYZONE too !!
      The concert really sounds so fun and I hope we´ll get to see some footage on TakiCHANel soon XD

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