I’ve uploaded the preview video of Ho! Summer PV (as shown on Mezamashi). OMG, TxT are sooooo cute! And the video itself is hilarious!! *thinks of Takki FLYING off the boat* LMAO…

Watch the video HERE (YouTube) or HERE (Photobucket), whichever works best for you!
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Hey thanks for uploading them ne. Good reference. I didn’t know you were YOSHITSUNESAMA on youtube. We might have stumbled on each other there but me no longer active coz got all my files deleted so im a lil pissed. Just a lil ^^
No prob, juz wanna share it with everyone… whatz ur username on youtube? I’m still quite new there ~~~
Just finished watching it…hehe…so hilarious!! (esp. Takki…lol) Saw it twice…can’t get enough of seein’ it again & again. =) Thanks so much 4 this! *hugz Mic-chan*
atashi wa tackeynokoibito deshita demo tackeynokoibito ga soko ni ima arimasen deshou? Got kicked out *lol* coz youtube started with all the copyrights infringement thing. All it takes is 3 warnings so careful with your uploaded files. Japanese Broadcasting Stations are getting keen on it if you notice some johnnys clips taken down and some people disappearing…..
gomen, dithers, i can only understand part of your first sentence there… “i am tackeynokoibito but tackeynokoibito…..” (i lost it already lolz)… i din know they were so strict. were u the one who uploaded the zubariHIKARU clips? coz i found them missing after a while :(
i was tackeynokoibito but now, tackeynokoibito is no longer there anymore.
yeah, i uploaded those among others. I was a crazy youtube uploader until got kicked out *lol* but its alright….
About your question, MINNA meant EVERYBODY. So hello MINNA-san meant hello EVERYBODY!
There ^___^ If you have any NIHONGGO BASICS problem, just ask…
thanks, Dithers! Now I know hehe… I remember seeing your username there quite a lot of times… boy, I’d better be careful of what I upload too :))