
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

[Report] Takizawa Kabuki 2012 – Act 1

Iya~ Many things about this trip were unexpected! First of all, Mich and I live far from each other, so we didn’t expect to meet again so soon after Kakumei. Then, somehow “the Takki stars aligned” and we ended up with some unbelievable seats for the opening show! Some of our other seats paled in […]

Takki Tidbits

The final Takizawa Kabuki show at Nissay theatre has just ended!! Congratulations to Tono, Jrs and all the staff who’ve been working nonstop these past few months. Hontoni otsukaresama deshita!! Hopefully, Tono can now get some rest… perhaps treat himself to a nice vacation before the….. oh yes, did I mention that at the end […]

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