
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

オルトロスの犬 Eyewitness Reports

August 27 Yesterday at school, there was a Orthros no Inu shoot. Seems like it happened from 6 pm to 2 am. I went to check it out after 11 pm and I couldn’t find Mizukawa Asami but I secretly took a peek at Takki and Nishikido-kun, who were inside 10b on the second floor. […]

オルトロスの犬 Eyewitness Reports

8/18 Takki came! I heard this from my friend, whom I accidently bumped into today. Takki went to Anzu-san’s town ━━━━ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ━━━━!!!! It seems like he came for a drama shoot and she attended it as an extra. You should’ve invited me yo. That friend is a Takitsuba fan, so I’m sure she must’ve been […]

オルトロスの犬 Eyewitness Reports

Its a long one!! And there were one or two parts of the report that i did not translate, simply because i was confused by what the blogger was trying to describe. but i did translate all the important/adorable parts~ ^^; 8/17 Observation Diary He was busy playing with something by himself. I wanted him […]

オルトロスの犬 Eyewitness Reports

Sorry this took a while, finals are finally over *collapses* Anyways, there were several eyewitnesses who saw Takki at a recent Orthros location shoot. The first three reports were written by three different people on Mixi. sighhh i wish i had a mixi~ August 17 Today, they were filming Orthros no Inu near my school, […]

Takki Tidbits

1) There’s a new book out called “Ekkyou suru Popular Culture ~ From Rikouran to Takki~.” It was released in July and Chapter 4 of the 260 paged book is titled “An Anthropological Study concerning the Hong Kong fans of Takizawa Hideaki.” 2) Found a site that has a list of the places where some […]

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