
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

[Radio] Takizawa Denpajou 2009.09.05

It was the 100th 99th episode of Takizawa Denpajou, and Nishikido Ryo was the guest. Here’s a translation of the program. Enjoy~ Good evening! This is Takizawa Hideaki of Takizawa Denpajou. Well, the week before last, Nishikido, who is co-starring with me in a drama, promised that he would make an appearance again today. Last […]

滝様コンサート’09 パンフ Part 4

Here’s the final part of the translations for Takisama Concert’09 pamphlet! Enjoy~ INTERVIEW 04 Message to FAN I think from now on, I want to take the time to continue fulfilling the requests of many people. I have a lot of gratitude towards the fans who have always supported me. Especially after I did the […]

滝様コンサート’09 パンフ Part 3

Here’s a translation of Part 3 of the Takisama Concert’09 Pamphlet. INTERVIEW 03 From the debut through now We had turned 20 when we debuted as Takki & Tsubasa and since that time, we’ve had our own TV shows and we’ve done concerts. I was allowed to do those jobs under very blessed circumstances, so I […]

オルトロスの犬 Eyewitness Reports

September 4 A Moving Color Sculpture Today, I…. Saw real life Takki! It was amazing…. sorry for the weird title though.I mean, it’s not very often that you get to see a working Takizawa-san from the same eye level. Even at handshaking events, you only get 0.5 seconds. And normally, even if you get to […]

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