
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

TV Guide 6.19.2009

If you missed the scans, you can find them here~ Finally, the first interview between “God” and the “Evil,” Dark Takizawa and Angel Nishikido 「We’re revealing the poster and photo shoot of Takizawa Hideaki and Nishikido Ryo’s first collaboration drama, Orthros no Inu. Since the crank-in, the demon Ryuuzaki Shinji (Takizawa) who has the healing […]

オルトロスの犬 エキストラ募集

[ June 15 ] *urgent recruit Time of shoot June 15th (Monday), in the evening at around 21:00 (4th location) Place of shoot Within Shinagawa district (within Tokyo) Scene that’s being recorded Evening in a shopping district Extras need to act as salarymen, OLs, and regular people walking around the streets What we’re looking for […]

オルトロスの犬 エキストラ募集

On TBS’s Recruitment of Volunteers / Extras page, it listed details about three of Orthros no Inu’s upcoming location shoots. Since Takki’s character is “successful in the political and financial world,” I’m guessing Takki will be at Location #1 and #2? Uwahhh~ those lucky extras!! [ June 14 ] Time of shoot June 14th (Sunday), […]

CM Story: ミルクのお願い

Translated from the Nissin Spaou Range website : [Design of Plot] The next new product of the Nissin Series is the “Nissin Range Spaou, Pasta Stew made with milk.” Its greatest feature is “Add and cook with milk” – the completely new taste and way of cooking with the use of a microwave. To carry […]

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