
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

オルトロスの犬 HP

Roughly translated the official site for Oruto~ The air date has not been announced yet, but the first episode will be 75 minutes long. [edited] sorry u guyz, i messed up on Takki’s character’s name. Its Shinji not Tomishi. my bad ^^;   { Introduction } The devil in God’s hand thrusts (free?) The ultimate […]


2009/4/24 â—†Fujigaya Taisukeâ—† summary Taisuke said that he’ll probably cry during senshuraku. Especially during the parting scene between Yoshitsune-sama and Benkei. His mom tells him that men shouldnt cry so easily, but Taisuke explains that the tears weren’t intentional, but natural (a lot of things go through his mind during that scene). He then says […]

Takki National Solo Tour

Tono just announced that “Kuro Yoshitsune” will be doing a national solo tour, which will begin at the end of June!!! OH MY– KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~!!! This is spectacular news!! I’m sure that ever since Takkuricon, Takki fans have been dreaming about another solo concert… but because Takki mentioned that he preferred unit concerts… all hope for […]

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