
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


滝様コンサート’09 パンフ Part 1

Here is a translation of the first part of the Takisama Concert ’09 pamphlet. INTERVIEW 01 about CONCERT This year, we did two butais 「Shinshun Takizawa Kakumei」 and 「Takizawa Enbujou ’09」 in succession, and the entire time, my body was in a continuously tense state. Inside, I felt like I wanted to do something that […]

オルトロスの犬 HP

Ano… yesterday was like Update-as-many-times-as-you-can Day… even the Orthros staff updated the HP like eleven times! THUDSSS~~~ Watch and learn, Avex. Watch and learn. “Chase after Orthros no Inu!” Game How to play : Chase after the unpredictable Orthros no Inu. In this memory game, the buttons will light up in a specific order. Then […]

オルトロスの犬 HP

(While Mich is blogging up a storm XD) Hisashiburi da ne, minna-san~~~ sighhh, its been a long week. TGIF!! Working on the other Genba reports right now, but since this one is more important… have to post this one first. Rough translation of Genba Report #6 a prompt report of the premiere 「Continuing from the […]

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