Ever seen Takki screaming for a good few minutes? Hahaha~~
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Tono on a variety show ne! And today he appeared on “Gyoretsu no dekiru Horitsu Sodanjo” to promote his solo concerts. I cut this from my recording so it’s not the complete show, but this is the juiciest part HAHA! Enjoy~~XD
MFÂ (98.78mb, 704×478, 9mins 17s)Â *re-uploaded on 12th Oct, 2015
If only he’d keep this tan for the solocons…
行列ãŒã§ãる法律相談所 2012.07.15
haha poor takki. really laugh like mad seein takki screaming. urhhh must be very painful
Poor Takki! I actually fail to see the point of this painful massage. I would certainly never submit myself to it! Lol
I only understand bits and pieces of the whole thing and I’m guessing this is a sort of reflexology massage. I wonder what her diagnosis on Takki? The massuese was pressing specific points on his feet.
Is there any possibility of someone working on subbing this video? Please?
takki was wondering if this ‘world no.1 most painful’ massage is really painful, so they got the lady into the studio. she said if the person is healthy, he won’t feel pain. takki thinks he’s healthy, but apparently… :P
as for subbing, we’re working on something now but if someone can help me with the translations of this, i would love to :)
is there anyway to reupload this/these? a lot of these files have been removed :(