To the best of my knowledge, this kind of decoration is made by pouring melted chocolate on a flat surface. After it has hardened, you soften it a bit, and then scrape curls, etc. For flat pieces, they are poured on parchment paper and cut before hardening. Then you just lift them. It is actually not that hard, but practice is needed!
Thanks Nyanco.
I’m interested in what the decoration on top of his cake is. It looks elaborate. Nothing plain and simple for Takki, ne?
Takki seems to be enjoying that cake, ne?
To the best of my knowledge, this kind of decoration is made by pouring melted chocolate on a flat surface. After it has hardened, you soften it a bit, and then scrape curls, etc. For flat pieces, they are poured on parchment paper and cut before hardening. Then you just lift them. It is actually not that hard, but practice is needed!
The forth Takizawa Enbujo will start on 29th, March,2009
– Tackey’s 27th birthday.
We’ll celebrate him on that day at Shinashi Enbujo.