
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


滝沢連合 第410章

Sorry, I’m still so behind in the Takiren Kakumei Q&As… Takizawa Rengou Vol. 410 10 Jan [Q10] (Ayaka, Tokyo, Sales, Female) Please write an aiueo-essay using ‘ta-ki-za-wa-ka-ku-me-i’! [A10] What a pain OK OK I get it. I’ll do it. [ta] tanoshin de (with enjoyment) [ki] kirakira na (the sparkling) [za] zawazawa shinagara (amidst the buzz) […]

滝沢連合 第409章

I was inspired when I read what Takki wrote here… Takizawa Rengou Vol. 409 09 Jan [Q9] (Kaninsukii, Kanagawa Prefecture, Super Employee, Female) Takizawa Souchou, please tell us what is your way of recharging energy. How do you heal your tiredness? What is your energy source? [A9] What is it? I guess it’s to fall […]


Azuki wa tensai! XD Recently she has started a new project of drawing Takirens that were translated here on Takki.us~ And these are my favourites!! Chou kawaii~~XD From Takizawa Rengou #404: Before the show, Takki needs an hour of doing nothing, so Azuki had him meditating~~ XD

滝沢連合 第407章

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 407 07 Jan [Q7] (Tooru, Osaka, Sales, Male) Konnichiwa, please also let me ask you a question! Until now, during recordings or jacket photoshoots, what were the things that were enjoyable, and what were those that were tough? [A7] Oh! A male I’m happy ne~ Unexpectedly, they have always been smooth ne. […]

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