As I mentioned in my previous post, Takki attended Tsubasa’s show at Shochikuza yesterday. He promised to write a letter to Tsubasa on J-web. Bonnie has the details of the MC translated here. After the show, both updated their diaries!
Takizawa Rengou Vol. 312
25 Aug
Without Delay.
To Tsubasa:
Thank you for the letter during 24hr TVDuring these 10 years or so, … GUFFU (i.e. Tsubasa Tears)
From before we debut as Tackey & Tsubasa to today, we have been through a lot of things and emotions together neAfter we debutted, we have also went through a lot. Of course, there are not only good things! The two of us had times where we regretted, as well as times when we were deeply moved. Tackey & Tsubasa are not a unit who moves at an earth-shattering speed. We move step by step with assurance, grasping our smiles with certainty! Within our smiles, there is courage, deep emotions, our fans and our staff. Let’s move at our own pace, and grasp (as much as we can) our smiles
Today I went to see Tsubasa’s Osaka performanceAt the climax of our conversation, I promised to write a letter to Tsubasa, so today I wrote it
Tsubasa, although it is hard on your physical strength, ganbatte~
His letter was written with so much more emotions than what I’ve translated. It’s so hard to translate ne~ I got slightly emotional, especially while reading Takki’s letter.
mich~~ arigatou for the translation!!
i am soooo happy he went to the show~~ yappari, Takki never breaks his promises *hearts* they care so much about each other, its really (T v T)
i wish i was fan back when they debutted. god, that was one moment in time/history i seriously missed out on v__v;
Michelle – Thank you for the lovely transation. So glad Tackey finally got to see the show too. And thanks for the continued 24 Jikan Terebi uploads. Dance Contest! Sugoi!
bonnie~~~ me too! although he had zubari and ANN recording till wat 3am or something, he still went to osaka ne. their bond is amazing… awwww, i also wish i was a fan back then…
leaping lucas~ np =D the fans who were there at the show are really a lucky lot ne~
;__; sugoi neeee!! I love them toooooo!!~~
*snif snif* TT__TT I’m going to cry. That was so sweet. Things like this make me love these guys even more! I love how they care for each other so much and I’m glad Takki keeps his promises.
I love these guys! ^__^