
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

24時間テレビ30愛は地球を救う 「人生が変わる瞬間」 22~24

Finally, another 3 files. Sigh, uploading is soooooo slow again~~~

22 – 36mins 01s

MatsuJun, Ohno & Aiba from Arashi came on the stage :) Then it’s the VTR story of the 22-year-old guy who’s paralysed from waist-down. He does a 41m rock-climbing while Arashi performs “We can make it”. T&T performs with them too!! Then, update on Kin-chan. Then the cast of TanteiQ (young “Ushiwaka”~~^^ & the boy I at least “don’t mind” from Hey!Say!7) came on stage. Then it was the “Thousand hands Goddess of Mercy” performance (they’re all deaf ne~ and actually perform by feeling the vibration of sounds!) Then, Iron Man athelete does pole throw thingie, beating his personal best.


Download .001 | .002 | .003 (298.0MB)

23 – 34mins 46s

High school dance competition! Wow, they’re so cool! It’s all about teamwork and coordination ya! The Mad Skills Styler is really damn stylo man~~ I also like KoRock. Update on Kin-chan, who looks really tired but still walking on. Then back to the studio to announce the winner of the dance competition ^_^ Then it’s the 6-yr-old boy who knows the many different types of deep sea fishes. They’re trying to find new types of fish I think. Wow, I’ve never seen such weird looking fishes before~~


Download .001 | .002 | .003 | .004 (352.4MB)

24 – 37mins 28s

Live broadcast of the rock-climbing, he’s slower moving towards the goal. Then some VTR on some dancer. Then there’s a hawaiin dance thing where Kuroki-san took part as well. Wow, those girls can really shake their butts well hehe… Then Arashi at the donation centre, followed by update on Kin-chan. After this, it’s “History’s largest VENUS” hehehe… T&T’s Venus, danced by people around Japan, including Arashi lol~ This Venus looks really really fun to dance to!!! ^_^ Then some VTR story on a daughter of a celebrity who died. Then morning musume performs a song.


Download .001 | .002 | .003 | .004 (306.0MB)

24時間テレビ30愛は地球を救う 「人生が変わる瞬間」 22~24

5 thoughts on “24時間テレビ30愛は地球を救う 「人生が変わる瞬間」 22~24

  1. arigatouu^^ itsumo arigatou
    d/ling now^^
    takki looks so kawaiiii in these screencaps^O^
    and i think my mom would hv love to watch the 1000hand perf too~^^ haha

  2. you~ douitashimashite ^^
    ah, same here ne, my mom & dad love these kind of things ne, and the performance was very good~
    i can’t decide if takki looks better in yellow or red~?

  3. i think if he still has the black hair it would fit the red shirt more~
    and this colour hair fit the yellow more??
    *go back to look again* but actually both colour looks great ne~~ *confuse* haha

    ps. my mom actually know this 1000hand perf she’s like ‘i know them and they’r deaf u know’ and ask where did i d/l it from then she saw takki in the audience she know why i d/l it haha~

  4. i really can’t decide lol~ when he first appeared in red (after the bathtub scene), i was kyaaaing like mad… actually if he has black hair, it would fit the yellow well too (contrast). but when i see his blond hair with yellow shirt (esp during the letter-reading), i suddenly feel he looks so pretty! haha~ *am confused too*

    p.s. i made my family watch the perf yesterday.
    they were quite in awe ^^

    aggghhh, when are the rest of the clips coming out?

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