Yay~ Takki updated Takiren yesterday! ^^
Takizawa Rengou Vol. 366
20th June
It’s been a while… Recently, it’s been about filming for drama “Orthros no Inu” or “Wan Wan” for short, and preparing for the concertThe plot for Wan Wan changes at a very fast pace. As we don’t know what’s gonna happen in every episode, it’s fun yo. Actually, we the cast don’t even know what’s gonna happen
By all means, please watch ne
And the concert
Recently there has been stage play after stage play, which is why I certainly plan to make this fun. The theme is “Ah~It has turned into that?”
Something like… This genre for a concert?
Something like… Takizawa, you’re doing this again? But it’ll definitely make everyone happy
It’ll certainly be a fun concert, so please look forward to it
From the moment the show starts, Takizawa World will begin, so please don’t be late
The goods are also a matter of concern
We’ve prepared things which everyone can wear and put on without feeling afraid
By all means, please buy them
Also, coz the basic theme is pink.
What about the opening song which everyone’s concerned about? What is good kana~(troubled)
I should try to answer everyone’s request kana~Because the title is “Jet” na ~~
Well~ everyone take the hint
Here~ we~ go~
That’s all.
Would we have pink t-shirts? Pink hairbands with dog ears (suggested by my friend~)? hehe~ tanoshimi~ XD And it’s slightly more than a month to the opening episode of “Wan Wan”! Iya~ Can’t waaaait~~~!!!
Hey, Mich. Again, thank you for translating.
eroero dance? And he put a smile after that? I can’t imagine I am going to miss this…
Last night, i checked jnet and goods of his concert was already posted. Some items dont have a price yet.
i got the impression that ero king willl return. Harharhar!
what is wan wan?
cat~ ya, i think eroero dance will be back!!
katya_alex~ i think more items will be added later. i dunno… but t-shirts won’t come cheap! maybe 2,500yen? hmm…
tipsy~ “wan wan” is actually the sound of dog barking in japanese. takki is so cute to call the drama “wan wan” XD
Pink? Are we going to see the eroero pink boa again? Azuki had done a fun cartoon of that.
I am sad to think I will not be able to go…
yeah thanks mich I was thinking…what is wan wan, why did called the drama wan wan, now explained it. thát is so cute of him
Ah! Thank you for this translation!! He’s such a funny guy LOL Eroero??? Is it too early to start requesting a concert DVD?
can’t wait to see what the goods look like~
and no, glenda, it’s definitely not too early, coz the concert is this saturday yo! ^^ please request for the DVD! :D
“Wan Wan” Now… THAT I can pronounce ^^;;;
Orthros is already difficult for me in English, let alone Engish… _._
Yosha @ero-ero dance
Ohisashiburi ^^;;;
kiarachan~ yaya, i pronounced it as “auto-rose” hahaha… but “wan wan” is so much easier! XDD