
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

滝沢連合 第387章

Takki updated this after the Nagoya concerts last weekend.

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 387

Today was Nagoya! Iya~ Everyone who gathered at Nagoya was awesome It was fun, thank you Next is finally Yokohama Put your spirit into it

By the way, yesterday I had tebasaki (chicken wings), and on the return shinkansen, I also had tebasaki I ate 4 person’s share

And Taki Channel has also opened I’ll put in my all for the sake of my precious kouhais. I’ll also appear randomly but when I really wanna appear You, who thought “but he’s Takizawa, so won’t he appear quite often?”, are perhaps right.

Sorry I have been really busy these few days. I’m editing the Shounen Club clip at the moment, and will post it soon. Meanwhile, it’s 2 more days to the Yokohama concerts. I really hope there’ll be DVD~ PLEASE request for it at Avex. Thanks!

滝沢連合 第387章

3 thoughts on “滝沢連合 第387ç« 

  1. Thanks Mich!

    I only wish he would appear more often and longer on the Takki Channel, instead of only promoting his “precious kouhais”. I like them too, but not as much as Tono!

    Enlighten me. I know I have sent requests to Avex before, but this time i cannot remember where to put it. Lol

  2. simone~ click on the “▶メセージを送る” words in black below the left navigation.
    there’ll be a pop up where you can write your name, age, gender (f/m), email, and message.

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